
type ProgCache

type ProgCmd

const cmdGet

const cmdPut

const cmdClose

type ProgRequest

type ProgResponse

// startCacheProg starts the prog binary (with optional space-separated flags)
// and returns a Cache implementation that talks to it.
// It blocks a few seconds to wait for the child process to successfully start
// and advertise its capabilities.
func startCacheProg(progAndArgs string, fuzzDirCache Cache) Cache {}

func (c *ProgCache) readLoop(readLoopDone chan<- struct{}

func (c *ProgCache) send(ctx context.Context, req *ProgRequest) (*ProgResponse, error) {}

func (c *ProgCache) writeToChild(req *ProgRequest, resc chan<- *ProgResponse) (err error) {}

func (c *ProgCache) Get(a ActionID) (Entry, error) {}

func (c *ProgCache) noteOutputFile(o OutputID, diskPath string) {}

func (c *ProgCache) OutputFile(o OutputID) string {}

func (c *ProgCache) Put(a ActionID, file io.ReadSeeker) (_ OutputID, size int64, _ error) {}

func (c *ProgCache) Close() error {}

func (c *ProgCache) FuzzDir() string {}