
var CmdEnv

func init() {}

var envJson

var envU

var envW

var envChanged

func MkEnv() []cfg.EnvVar {}

func findEnv(env []cfg.EnvVar, name string) string {}

// ExtraEnvVars returns environment variables that should not leak into child processes.
func ExtraEnvVars() []cfg.EnvVar {}

// ExtraEnvVarsCostly returns environment variables that should not leak into child processes
// but are costly to evaluate.
func ExtraEnvVarsCostly() []cfg.EnvVar {}

// argKey returns the KEY part of the arg KEY=VAL, or else arg itself.
func argKey(arg string) string {}

func runEnv(ctx context.Context, cmd *base.Command, args []string) {}

func runEnvW(args []string) {}

func runEnvU(args []string) {}

// checkBuildConfig checks whether the build configuration is valid
// after the specified configuration environment changes are applied.
func checkBuildConfig(add map[string]string, del map[string]bool) error {}

// PrintEnv prints the environment variables to w.
func PrintEnv(w io.Writer, env []cfg.EnvVar, onlyChanged bool) {}

func hasNonGraphic(s string) bool {}

func shellQuote(s string) string {}

func batchEscape(s string) string {}

func printEnvAsJSON(env []cfg.EnvVar, onlyChanged bool) {}

func getOrigEnv(key string) string {}

func checkEnvWrite(key, val string) error {}

func readEnvFileLines(mustExist bool) []string {}

func updateEnvFile(add map[string]string, del map[string]bool) {}

// lineToKey returns the KEY part of the line KEY=VALUE or else an empty string.
func lineToKey(line string) string {}

// sortKeyValues sorts a sequence of lines by key.
// It differs from sort.Strings in that GO386= sorts after GO=.
func sortKeyValues(lines []string) {}