
// Trace emits a trace event for the operation and file path to the trace log,
// but only when $GODEBUG contains gofsystrace=1.
// The traces are appended to the file named by the $GODEBUG setting gofsystracelog, or else standard error.
// For debugging, if the $GODEBUG setting gofsystracestack is non-empty, then trace events for paths
// matching that glob pattern (using path.Match) will be followed by a full stack trace.
func Trace(op, path string) {}

var doTrace

var traceFile

var traceMu

var gofsystrace

var gofsystracelog

var gofsystracestack

func init() {}

var OverlayFile

type OverlayJSON

type node

func (n *node) isDir() bool {}

func (n *node) isDeleted() bool {}

var overlay

var cwd

// canonicalize a path for looking it up in the overlay.
// Important: filepath.Join(cwd, path) doesn't always produce
// the correct absolute path if path is relative, because on
// Windows producing the correct absolute path requires making
// a syscall. So this should only be used when looking up paths
// in the overlay, or canonicalizing the paths in the overlay.
func canonicalize(path string) string {}

// Init initializes the overlay, if one is being used.
func Init(wd string) error {}

func initFromJSON(overlayJSON OverlayJSON) error {}

// IsDir returns true if path is a directory on disk or in the
// overlay.
func IsDir(path string) (bool, error) {}

// parentIsOverlayFile returns whether name or any of
// its parents are files in the overlay, and the first parent found,
// including name itself, that's a file in the overlay.
func parentIsOverlayFile(name string) (string, bool) {}

var errNotDir

func nonFileInOverlayError(overlayPath string) error {}

// readDir reads a dir on disk, returning an error that is errNotDir if the dir is not a directory.
// Unfortunately, the error returned by os.ReadDir if dir is not a directory
// can vary depending on the OS (Linux, Mac, Windows return ENOTDIR; BSD returns EINVAL).
func readDir(dir string) ([]fs.FileInfo, error) {}

// ReadDir provides a slice of fs.FileInfo entries corresponding
// to the overlaid files in the directory.
func ReadDir(dir string) ([]fs.FileInfo, error) {}

// OverlayPath returns the path to the overlaid contents of the
// file, the empty string if the overlay deletes the file, or path
// itself if the file is not in the overlay, the file is a directory
// in the overlay, or there is no overlay.
// It returns true if the path is overlaid with a regular file
// or deleted, and false otherwise.
func OverlayPath(path string) (string, bool) {}

// Open opens the file at or overlaid on the given path.
func Open(path string) (*os.File, error) {}

func openFile(path string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) {}

// ReadFile reads the file at or overlaid on the given path.
func ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, error) {}

// IsDirWithGoFiles reports whether dir is a directory containing Go files
// either on disk or in the overlay.
func IsDirWithGoFiles(dir string) (bool, error) {}

// walk recursively descends path, calling walkFn. Copied, with some
// modifications from path/filepath.walk.
func walk(path string, info fs.FileInfo, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error {}

// Walk walks the file tree rooted at root, calling walkFn for each file or
// directory in the tree, including root.
func Walk(root string, walkFn filepath.WalkFunc) error {}

// Lstat implements a version of os.Lstat that operates on the overlay filesystem.
func Lstat(path string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {}

// Stat implements a version of os.Stat that operates on the overlay filesystem.
func Stat(path string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {}

// overlayStat implements lstat or Stat (depending on whether os.Lstat or os.Stat is passed in).
func overlayStat(path string, osStat func(string) (fs.FileInfo, error), opName string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {}

type fakeFile

func (f fakeFile) Name() string       {}

func (f fakeFile) Size() int64        {}

func (f fakeFile) Mode() fs.FileMode  {}

func (f fakeFile) ModTime() time.Time {}

func (f fakeFile) IsDir() bool        {}

func (f fakeFile) Sys() any           {}

func (f fakeFile) String() string {}

type missingFile

func (f missingFile) Name() string       {}

func (f missingFile) Size() int64        {}

func (f missingFile) Mode() fs.FileMode  {}

func (f missingFile) ModTime() time.Time {}

func (f missingFile) IsDir() bool        {}

func (f missingFile) Sys() any           {}

func (f missingFile) String() string {}

type fakeDir

func (f fakeDir) Name() string       {}

func (f fakeDir) Size() int64        {}

func (f fakeDir) Mode() fs.FileMode  {}

func (f fakeDir) ModTime() time.Time {}

func (f fakeDir) IsDir() bool        {}

func (f fakeDir) Sys() any           {}

func (f fakeDir) String() string {}

// Glob is like filepath.Glob but uses the overlay file system.
func Glob(pattern string) (matches []string, err error) {}

// cleanGlobPath prepares path for glob matching.
func cleanGlobPath(path string) string {}

func volumeNameLen(path string) int {}

// cleanGlobPathWindows is windows version of cleanGlobPath.
func cleanGlobPathWindows(path string) (prefixLen int, cleaned string) {}

// glob searches for files matching pattern in the directory dir
// and appends them to matches. If the directory cannot be
// opened, it returns the existing matches. New matches are
// added in lexicographical order.
func glob(dir, pattern string, matches []string) (m []string, e error) {}

// hasMeta reports whether path contains any of the magic characters
// recognized by filepath.Match.
func hasMeta(path string) bool {}