
var CmdGenerate

var generateRunFlag

var generateRunRE

var generateSkipFlag

var generateSkipRE

func init() {}

func runGenerate(ctx context.Context, cmd *base.Command, args []string) {}

// generate runs the generation directives for a single file.
func generate(absFile string) bool {}

type Generator

// run runs the generators in the current file.
func (g *Generator) run() (ok bool) {}

func isGoGenerate(buf []byte) bool {}

// setEnv sets the extra environment variables used when executing a
// single go:generate command.
func (g *Generator) setEnv() {}

// split breaks the line into words, evaluating quoted
// strings and evaluating environment variables.
// The initial //go:generate element is present in line.
func (g *Generator) split(line string) []string {}

var stop

// errorf logs an error message prefixed with the file and line number.
// It then exits the program (with exit status 1) because generation stops
// at the first error.
func (g *Generator) errorf(format string, args ...any) {}

// expandVar expands the $XXX invocation in word. It is called
// by os.Expand.
func (g *Generator) expandVar(word string) string {}

// setShorthand installs a new shorthand as defined by a -command directive.
func (g *Generator) setShorthand(words []string) {}

// exec runs the command specified by the argument. The first word is
// the command name itself.
func (g *Generator) exec(words []string) {}