
type Package

type PackagePublic

// AllFiles returns the names of all the files considered for the package.
// This is used for sanity and security checks, so we include all files,
// even IgnoredGoFiles, because some subcommands consider them.
// The go/build package filtered others out (like foo_wrongGOARCH.s)
// and that's OK.
func (p *Package) AllFiles() []string {}

// Desc returns the package "description", for use in b.showOutput.
func (p *Package) Desc() string {}

// IsTestOnly reports whether p is a test-only package.
// A “test-only” package is one that:
//   - is a test-only variant of an ordinary package, or
//   - is a synthesized "main" package for a test binary, or
//   - contains only _test.go files.
func (p *Package) IsTestOnly() bool {}

type PackageInternal

type NoGoError

func (e *NoGoError) Error() string {}

// setLoadPackageDataError presents an error found when loading package data
// as a *PackageError. It has special cases for some common errors to improve
// messages shown to users and reduce redundancy.
// setLoadPackageDataError returns true if it's safe to load information about
// imported packages, for example, if there was a parse error loading imports
// in one file, but other files are okay.
func (p *Package) setLoadPackageDataError(err error, path string, stk *ImportStack, importPos []token.Position) {}

// Resolve returns the resolved version of imports,
// which should be p.TestImports or p.XTestImports, NOT p.Imports.
// The imports in p.TestImports and p.XTestImports are not recursively
// loaded during the initial load of p, so they list the imports found in
// the source file, but most processing should be over the vendor-resolved
// import paths. We do this resolution lazily both to avoid file system work
// and because the eventual real load of the test imports (during 'go test')
// can produce better error messages if it starts with the original paths.
// The initial load of p loads all the non-test imports and rewrites
// the vendored paths, so nothing should ever call p.vendored(p.Imports).
func (p *Package) Resolve(imports []string) []string {}

type CoverVar

type CoverSetup

func (p *Package) copyBuild(opts PackageOpts, pp *build.Package) {}

type PackageError

func (p *PackageError) Error() string {}

func (p *PackageError) Unwrap() error {}

// PackageError implements MarshalJSON so that Err is marshaled as a string
// and non-essential fields are omitted.
func (p *PackageError) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {}

func (p *PackageError) setPos(posList []token.Position) {}

type ImportPathError

var _

var _

var _

var _

var _

type importError

func ImportErrorf(path, format string, args ...any) ImportPathError {}

func (e *importError) Error() string {}

func (e *importError) Unwrap() error {}

func (e *importError) ImportPath() string {}

type ImportInfo

type ImportStack

func NewImportInfo(pkg string, pos *token.Position) ImportInfo {}

func (s *ImportStack) Push(p ImportInfo) {}

func (s *ImportStack) Pop() {}

func (s *ImportStack) Copy() ImportStack {}

func (s *ImportStack) Pkgs() []string {}

func (s *ImportStack) PkgsWithPos() []string {}

func (s *ImportStack) Top() (ImportInfo, bool) {}

// shorterThan reports whether sp is shorter than t.
// We use this to record the shortest import sequence
// that leads to a particular package.
func (sp *ImportStack) shorterThan(t []string) bool {}

var packageCache

// dirToImportPath returns the pseudo-import path we use for a package
// outside the Go path. It begins with _/ and then contains the full path
// to the directory. If the package lives in c:\home\gopher\my\pkg then
// the pseudo-import path is _/c_/home/gopher/my/pkg.
// Using a pseudo-import path like this makes the ./ imports no longer
// a special case, so that all the code to deal with ordinary imports works
// automatically.
func dirToImportPath(dir string) string {}

func makeImportValid(r rune) rune {}

const ResolveImport

const ResolveModule

const GetTestDeps

const cmdlinePkg

const cmdlinePkgLiteral

// LoadPackage does Load import, but without a parent package load context
func LoadPackage(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, path, srcDir string, stk *ImportStack, importPos []token.Position, mode int) *Package {}

// loadImport scans the directory named by path, which must be an import path,
// but possibly a local import path (an absolute file system path or one beginning
// with ./ or ../). A local relative path is interpreted relative to srcDir.
// It returns a *Package describing the package found in that directory.
// loadImport does not set tool flags and should only be used by
// this package, as part of a bigger load operation.
// The returned PackageError, if any, describes why parent is not allowed
// to import the named package, with the error referring to importPos.
// The PackageError can only be non-nil when parent is not nil.
func loadImport(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, pre *preload, path, srcDir string, parent *Package, stk *ImportStack, importPos []token.Position, mode int) (*Package, *PackageError) {}

func extractFirstImport(importPos []token.Position) *token.Position {}

// loadPackageData loads information needed to construct a *Package. The result
// is cached, and later calls to loadPackageData for the same package will return
// the same data.
// loadPackageData returns a non-nil package even if err is non-nil unless
// the package path is malformed (for example, the path contains "mod/" or "@").
// loadPackageData returns a boolean, loaded, which is true if this is the
// first time the package was loaded. Callers may preload imports in this case.
func loadPackageData(ctx context.Context, path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string, parentIsStd bool, mode int) (bp *build.Package, loaded bool, err error) {}

type importSpec

type resolvedImport

var resolvedImportCache

var packageDataCache

var preloadWorkerCount

type preload

// newPreload creates a new preloader. flush must be called later to avoid
// accessing global state while it is being modified.
func newPreload() *preload {}

// preloadMatches loads data for package paths matched by patterns.
// When preloadMatches returns, some packages may not be loaded yet, but
// loadPackageData and loadImport are always safe to call.
func (pre *preload) preloadMatches(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, matches []*search.Match) {}

// preloadImports queues a list of imports for preloading.
// When preloadImports returns, some packages may not be loaded yet,
// but loadPackageData and loadImport are always safe to call.
func (pre *preload) preloadImports(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, imports []string, parent *build.Package) {}

// flush stops pending preload operations. flush blocks until preload calls to
// loadPackageData have completed. The preloader will not make any new calls
// to loadPackageData.
func (pre *preload) flush() {}

func cleanImport(path string) string {}

var isDirCache

func isDir(path string) bool {}

// ResolveImportPath returns the true meaning of path when it appears in parent.
// There are two different resolutions applied.
// First, there is Go 1.5 vendoring (golang.org/s/go15vendor).
// If vendor expansion doesn't trigger, then the path is also subject to
// Go 1.11 module legacy conversion (golang.org/issue/25069).
func ResolveImportPath(parent *Package, path string) (found string) {}

func resolveImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string, parentIsStd bool) (found string) {}

// dirAndRoot returns the source directory and workspace root
// for the package p, guaranteeing that root is a path prefix of dir.
func dirAndRoot(path string, dir, root string) (string, string) {}

// vendoredImportPath returns the vendor-expansion of path when it appears in parent.
// If parent is x/y/z, then path might expand to x/y/z/vendor/path, x/y/vendor/path,
// x/vendor/path, vendor/path, or else stay path if none of those exist.
// vendoredImportPath returns the expanded path or, if no expansion is found, the original.
func vendoredImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string) (found string) {}

var modulePrefix

var goModPathCache

// goModPath returns the module path in the go.mod in dir, if any.
func goModPath(dir string) (path string) {}

// findVersionElement returns the slice indices of the final version element /vN in path.
// If there is no such element, it returns -1, -1.
func findVersionElement(path string) (i, j int) {}

// isVersionElement reports whether s is a well-formed path version element:
// v2, v3, v10, etc, but not v0, v05, v1.
func isVersionElement(s string) bool {}

// moduleImportPath translates import paths found in go modules
// back down to paths that can be resolved in ordinary builds.
// Define “new” code as code with a go.mod file in the same directory
// or a parent directory. If an import in new code says x/y/v2/z but
// x/y/v2/z does not exist and x/y/go.mod says “module x/y/v2”,
// then go build will read the import as x/y/z instead.
// See golang.org/issue/25069.
func moduleImportPath(path, parentPath, parentDir, parentRoot string) (found string) {}

// hasGoFiles reports whether dir contains any files with names ending in .go.
// For a vendor check we must exclude directories that contain no .go files.
// Otherwise it is not possible to vendor just a/b/c and still import the
// non-vendored a/b. See golang.org/issue/13832.
func hasGoFiles(dir string) bool {}

// reusePackage reuses package p to satisfy the import at the top
// of the import stack stk. If this use causes an import loop,
// reusePackage updates p's error information to record the loop.
func reusePackage(p *Package, stk *ImportStack) *Package {}

// disallowInternal checks that srcDir (containing package importerPath, if non-empty)
// is allowed to import p.
// If the import is allowed, disallowInternal returns the original package p.
// If not, it returns a new package containing just an appropriate error.
func disallowInternal(ctx context.Context, srcDir string, importer *Package, importerPath string, p *Package, stk *ImportStack) *PackageError {}

// findInternal looks for the final "internal" path element in the given import path.
// If there isn't one, findInternal returns ok=false.
// Otherwise, findInternal returns ok=true and the index of the "internal".
func findInternal(path string) (index int, ok bool) {}

// disallowVendor checks that srcDir is allowed to import p as path.
// If the import is allowed, disallowVendor returns the original package p.
// If not, it returns a PackageError.
func disallowVendor(srcDir string, path string, importerPath string, p *Package, stk *ImportStack) *PackageError {}

// disallowVendorVisibility checks that srcDir is allowed to import p.
// The rules are the same as for /internal/ except that a path ending in /vendor
// is not subject to the rules, only subdirectories of vendor.
// This allows people to have packages and commands named vendor,
// for maximal compatibility with existing source trees.
func disallowVendorVisibility(srcDir string, p *Package, importerPath string, stk *ImportStack) *PackageError {}

// FindVendor looks for the last non-terminating "vendor" path element in the given import path.
// If there isn't one, FindVendor returns ok=false.
// Otherwise, FindVendor returns ok=true and the index of the "vendor".
// Note that terminating "vendor" elements don't count: "x/vendor" is its own package,
// not the vendored copy of an import "" (the empty import path).
// This will allow people to have packages or commands named vendor.
// This may help reduce breakage, or it may just be confusing. We'll see.
func FindVendor(path string) (index int, ok bool) {}

type TargetDir

const ToTool

const ToBin

const StalePath

// InstallTargetDir reports the target directory for installing the command p.
func InstallTargetDir(p *Package) TargetDir {}

var cgoExclude

var cgoSyscallExclude

var foldPath

// exeFromImportPath returns an executable name
// for a package using the import path.
// The executable name is the last element of the import path.
// In module-aware mode, an additional rule is used on import paths
// consisting of two or more path elements. If the last element is
// a vN path element specifying the major version, then the
// second last element of the import path is used instead.
func (p *Package) exeFromImportPath() string {}

// exeFromFiles returns an executable name for a package
// using the first element in GoFiles or CgoFiles collections without the prefix.
// Returns empty string in case of empty collection.
func (p *Package) exeFromFiles() string {}

// DefaultExecName returns the default executable name for a package
func (p *Package) DefaultExecName() string {}

// load populates p using information from bp, err, which should
// be the result of calling build.Context.Import.
// stk contains the import stack, not including path itself.
func (p *Package) load(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, path string, stk *ImportStack, importPos []token.Position, bp *build.Package, err error) {}

type EmbedError

func (e *EmbedError) Error() string {}

func (e *EmbedError) Unwrap() error {}

// ResolveEmbed resolves //go:embed patterns and returns only the file list.
// For use by go mod vendor to find embedded files it should copy into the
// vendor directory.
// TODO(#42504): Once go mod vendor uses load.PackagesAndErrors, just
// call (*Package).ResolveEmbed
func ResolveEmbed(dir string, patterns []string) ([]string, error) {}

// resolveEmbed resolves //go:embed patterns to precise file lists.
// It sets files to the list of unique files matched (for go list),
// and it sets pmap to the more precise mapping from
// patterns to files.
func resolveEmbed(pkgdir string, patterns []string) (files []string, pmap map[string][]string, err error) {}

func validEmbedPattern(pattern string) bool {}

// isBadEmbedName reports whether name is the base name of a file that
// can't or won't be included in modules and therefore shouldn't be treated
// as existing for embedding.
func isBadEmbedName(name string) bool {}

var vcsStatusCache

func appendBuildSetting(info *debug.BuildInfo, key, value string) {}

// setBuildInfo gathers build information and sets it into
// p.Internal.BuildInfo, which will later be formatted as a string and embedded
// in the binary. setBuildInfo should only be called on a main package with no
// errors.
// This information can be retrieved using debug.ReadBuildInfo.
// Note that the GoVersion field is not set here to avoid encoding it twice.
// It is stored separately in the binary, mostly for historical reasons.
func (p *Package) setBuildInfo(ctx context.Context, autoVCS bool) {}

// SafeArg reports whether arg is a "safe" command-line argument,
// meaning that when it appears in a command-line, it probably
// doesn't have some special meaning other than its own name.
// Obviously args beginning with - are not safe (they look like flags).
// Less obviously, args beginning with @ are not safe (they look like
// GNU binutils flagfile specifiers, sometimes called "response files").
// To be conservative, we reject almost any arg beginning with non-alphanumeric ASCII.
// We accept leading . _ and / as likely in file system paths.
// There is a copy of this function in cmd/compile/internal/gc/noder.go.
func SafeArg(name string) bool {}

// LinkerDeps returns the list of linker-induced dependencies for main package p.
func LinkerDeps(p *Package) ([]string, error) {}

// externalLinkingReason reports the reason external linking is required
// even for programs that do not use cgo, or the empty string if external
// linking is not required.
func externalLinkingReason(p *Package) (what string) {}

// mkAbs rewrites list, which must be paths relative to p.Dir,
// into a sorted list of absolute paths. It edits list in place but for
// convenience also returns list back to its caller.
func (p *Package) mkAbs(list []string) []string {}

// InternalGoFiles returns the list of Go files being built for the package,
// using absolute paths.
func (p *Package) InternalGoFiles() []string {}

// InternalXGoFiles returns the list of Go files being built for the XTest package,
// using absolute paths.
func (p *Package) InternalXGoFiles() []string {}

// InternalAllGoFiles returns the list of all Go files possibly relevant for the package,
// using absolute paths. "Possibly relevant" means that files are not excluded
// due to build tags, but files with names beginning with . or _ are still excluded.
func (p *Package) InternalAllGoFiles() []string {}

// UsesSwig reports whether the package needs to run SWIG.
func (p *Package) UsesSwig() bool {}

// UsesCgo reports whether the package needs to run cgo
func (p *Package) UsesCgo() bool {}

// PackageList returns the list of packages in the dag rooted at roots
// as visited in a depth-first post-order traversal.
func PackageList(roots []*Package) []*Package {}

// TestPackageList returns the list of packages in the dag rooted at roots
// as visited in a depth-first post-order traversal, including the test
// imports of the roots. This ignores errors in test packages.
func TestPackageList(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, roots []*Package) []*Package {}

// LoadImportWithFlags loads the package with the given import path and
// sets tool flags on that package. This function is useful loading implicit
// dependencies (like sync/atomic for coverage).
// TODO(jayconrod): delete this function and set flags automatically
// in LoadImport instead.
func LoadImportWithFlags(path, srcDir string, parent *Package, stk *ImportStack, importPos []token.Position, mode int) (*Package, *PackageError) {}

// LoadPackageWithFlags is the same as LoadImportWithFlags but without a parent.
// It's then guaranteed to not return an error
func LoadPackageWithFlags(path, srcDir string, stk *ImportStack, importPos []token.Position, mode int) *Package {}

type PackageOpts

// PackagesAndErrors returns the packages named by the command line arguments
// 'patterns'. If a named package cannot be loaded, PackagesAndErrors returns
// a *Package with the Error field describing the failure. If errors are found
// loading imported packages, the DepsErrors field is set. The Incomplete field
// may be set as well.
// To obtain a flat list of packages, use PackageList.
// To report errors loading packages, use ReportPackageErrors.
func PackagesAndErrors(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, patterns []string) []*Package {}

// setPGOProfilePath sets the PGO profile path for pkgs.
// In -pgo=auto mode, it finds the default PGO profile.
func setPGOProfilePath(pkgs []*Package) {}

// CheckPackageErrors prints errors encountered loading pkgs and their
// dependencies, then exits with a non-zero status if any errors were found.
func CheckPackageErrors(pkgs []*Package) {}

// mainPackagesOnly filters out non-main packages matched only by arguments
// containing "..." and returns the remaining main packages.
// Packages with missing, invalid, or ambiguous names may be treated as
// possibly-main packages.
// mainPackagesOnly sets a non-main package's Error field and returns it if it
// is named by a literal argument.
// mainPackagesOnly prints warnings for non-literal arguments that only match
// non-main packages.
func mainPackagesOnly(pkgs []*Package, matches []*search.Match) []*Package {}

type mainPackageError

func (e *mainPackageError) Error() string {}

func (e *mainPackageError) ImportPath() string {}

func setToolFlags(pkgs ...*Package) {}

// GoFilesPackage creates a package for building a collection of Go files
// (typically named on the command line). The target is named p.a for
// package p or named after the first Go file for package main.
func GoFilesPackage(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, gofiles []string) *Package {}

// PackagesAndErrorsOutsideModule is like PackagesAndErrors but runs in
// module-aware mode and ignores the go.mod file in the current directory or any
// parent directory, if there is one. This is used in the implementation of 'go
// install pkg@version' and other commands that support similar forms.
// modload.ForceUseModules must be true, and modload.RootMode must be NoRoot
// before calling this function.
// PackagesAndErrorsOutsideModule imposes several constraints to avoid
// ambiguity. All arguments must have the same version suffix (not just a suffix
// that resolves to the same version). They must refer to packages in the same
// module, which must not be std or cmd. That module is not considered the main
// module, but its go.mod file (if it has one) must not contain directives that
// would cause it to be interpreted differently if it were the main module
// (replace, exclude).
func PackagesAndErrorsOutsideModule(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, args []string) ([]*Package, error) {}

// EnsureImport ensures that package p imports the named package.
func EnsureImport(p *Package, pkg string) {}

// PrepareForCoverageBuild is a helper invoked for "go install
// -cover", "go run -cover", and "go build -cover" (but not used by
// "go test -cover"). It walks through the packages being built (and
// dependencies) and marks them for coverage instrumentation when
// appropriate, and possibly adding additional deps where needed.
func PrepareForCoverageBuild(pkgs []*Package) {}

func SelectCoverPackages(roots []*Package, match []func(*Package) bool, op string) []*Package {}

// DeclareCoverVars attaches the required cover variables names
// to the files, to be used when annotating the files. This
// function only called when using legacy coverage test/build
// (e.g. GOEXPERIMENT=coverageredesign is off).
func DeclareCoverVars(p *Package, files ...string) map[string]*CoverVar {}