
var cmdVendor

var vendorE

var vendorO

func init() {}

func runVendor(ctx context.Context, cmd *base.Command, args []string) {}

func RunVendor(ctx context.Context, vendorE bool, vendorO string, args []string) {}

func moduleLine(m, r module.Version) string {}

func vendorPkg(vdir, pkg string) {}

type metakey

var copiedMetadata

// copyMetadata copies metadata files from parents of src to parents of dst,
// stopping after processing the src parent for modPath.
func copyMetadata(modPath, pkg, dst, src string, copiedFiles map[string]bool) {}

var metaPrefixes

// matchMetadata reports whether info is a metadata file.
func matchMetadata(dir string, info fs.DirEntry) bool {}

// matchPotentialSourceFile reports whether info may be relevant to a build operation.
func matchPotentialSourceFile(dir string, info fs.DirEntry) bool {}

// copyDir copies all regular files satisfying match(info) from src to dst.
func copyDir(dst, src string, match func(dir string, info fs.DirEntry) bool, copiedFiles map[string]bool) {}

// checkPathCollisions will fail if case-insensitive collisions are present.
// The reason why we do this check in go mod vendor is to keep consistency
// with go build. If modifying, consider changing load() in
// src/cmd/go/internal/load/pkg.go
func checkPathCollisions(modpkgs map[module.Version][]string) {}