
func cacheDir(ctx context.Context, path string) (string, error) {}

func CachePath(ctx context.Context, m module.Version, suffix string) (string, error) {}

// DownloadDir returns the directory to which m should have been downloaded.
// An error will be returned if the module path or version cannot be escaped.
// An error satisfying errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) will be returned
// along with the directory if the directory does not exist or if the directory
// is not completely populated.
func DownloadDir(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) (string, error) {}

type DownloadDirPartialError

func (e *DownloadDirPartialError) Error() string     {}

func (e *DownloadDirPartialError) Is(err error) bool {}

// lockVersion locks a file within the module cache that guards the downloading
// and extraction of the zipfile for the given module version.
func lockVersion(ctx context.Context, mod module.Version) (unlock func(), err error) {}

// SideLock locks a file within the module cache that previously guarded
// edits to files outside the cache, such as go.sum and go.mod files in the
// user's working directory.
// If err is nil, the caller MUST eventually call the unlock function.
func SideLock(ctx context.Context) (unlock func(), err error) {}

type cachingRepo

func newCachingRepo(ctx context.Context, path string, initRepo func(context.Context) (Repo, error)) *cachingRepo {}

func (r *cachingRepo) repo(ctx context.Context) Repo {}

func (r *cachingRepo) CheckReuse(ctx context.Context, old *codehost.Origin) error {}

func (r *cachingRepo) ModulePath() string {}

func (r *cachingRepo) Versions(ctx context.Context, prefix string) (*Versions, error) {}

type cachedInfo

func (r *cachingRepo) Stat(ctx context.Context, rev string) (*RevInfo, error) {}

func (r *cachingRepo) Latest(ctx context.Context) (*RevInfo, error) {}

func (r *cachingRepo) GoMod(ctx context.Context, version string) ([]byte, error) {}

func (r *cachingRepo) Zip(ctx context.Context, dst io.Writer, version string) error {}

// InfoFile is like Lookup(ctx, path).Stat(version) but also returns the name of the file
// containing the cached information.
func InfoFile(ctx context.Context, path, version string) (*RevInfo, string, error) {}

// GoMod is like Lookup(ctx, path).GoMod(rev) but avoids the
// repository path resolution in Lookup if the result is
// already cached on local disk.
func GoMod(ctx context.Context, path, rev string) ([]byte, error) {}

// GoModFile is like GoMod but returns the name of the file containing
// the cached information.
func GoModFile(ctx context.Context, path, version string) (string, error) {}

// GoModSum returns the go.sum entry for the module version's go.mod file.
// (That is, it returns the entry listed in go.sum as "path version/go.mod".)
func GoModSum(ctx context.Context, path, version string) (string, error) {}

var errNotCached

// readDiskStat reads a cached stat result from disk,
// returning the name of the cache file and the result.
// If the read fails, the caller can use
// writeDiskStat(file, info) to write a new cache entry.
func readDiskStat(ctx context.Context, path, rev string) (file string, info *RevInfo, err error) {}

// readDiskStatByHash is a fallback for readDiskStat for the case
// where rev is a commit hash instead of a proper semantic version.
// In that case, we look for a cached pseudo-version that matches
// the commit hash. If we find one, we use it.
// This matters most for converting legacy package management
// configs, when we are often looking up commits by full hash.
// Without this check we'd be doing network I/O to the remote repo
// just to find out about a commit we already know about
// (and have cached under its pseudo-version).
func readDiskStatByHash(ctx context.Context, path, rev string) (file string, info *RevInfo, err error) {}

var oldVgoPrefix

// readDiskGoMod reads a cached go.mod file from disk,
// returning the name of the cache file and the result.
// If the read fails, the caller can use
// writeDiskGoMod(file, data) to write a new cache entry.
func readDiskGoMod(ctx context.Context, path, rev string) (file string, data []byte, err error) {}

// readDiskCache is the generic "read from a cache file" implementation.
// It takes the revision and an identifying suffix for the kind of data being cached.
// It returns the name of the cache file and the content of the file.
// If the read fails, the caller can use
// writeDiskCache(file, data) to write a new cache entry.
func readDiskCache(ctx context.Context, path, rev, suffix string) (file string, data []byte, err error) {}

// writeDiskStat writes a stat result cache entry.
// The file name must have been returned by a previous call to readDiskStat.
func writeDiskStat(ctx context.Context, file string, info *RevInfo) error {}

// writeDiskGoMod writes a go.mod cache entry.
// The file name must have been returned by a previous call to readDiskGoMod.
func writeDiskGoMod(ctx context.Context, file string, text []byte) error {}

// writeDiskCache is the generic "write to a cache file" implementation.
// The file must have been returned by a previous call to readDiskCache.
func writeDiskCache(ctx context.Context, file string, data []byte) error {}

// tempFile creates a new temporary file with given permission bits.
func tempFile(ctx context.Context, dir, prefix string, perm fs.FileMode) (f *os.File, err error) {}

// rewriteVersionList rewrites the version list in dir
// after a new *.mod file has been written.
func rewriteVersionList(ctx context.Context, dir string) (err error) {}

var statCacheOnce

var statCacheErr

var counterErrorsGOMODCACHEEntryRelative

// checkCacheDir checks if the directory specified by GOMODCACHE exists. An
// error is returned if it does not.
func checkCacheDir(ctx context.Context) error {}