
type notExistError

func (e notExistError) Error() string   {}

func (notExistError) Is(err error) bool {}

const gitWorkDirType

func newGitRepo(ctx context.Context, remote string, local bool) (Repo, error) {}

type gitRepo

const fetchNone

const fetchSome

const fetchAll

// loadLocalTags loads tag references from the local git cache
// into the map r.localTags.
func (r *gitRepo) loadLocalTags(ctx context.Context) {}

func (r *gitRepo) CheckReuse(ctx context.Context, old *Origin, subdir string) error {}

// loadRefs loads heads and tags references from the remote into the map r.refs.
// The result is cached in memory.
func (r *gitRepo) loadRefs(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) {}

func (r *gitRepo) Tags(ctx context.Context, prefix string) (*Tags, error) {}

// repoSum returns a checksum of the entire repo state,
// which can be checked (as Origin.RepoSum) to cache
// the absence of a specific module version.
// The caller must supply refs, the result of a successful r.loadRefs.
func (r *gitRepo) repoSum(refs map[string]string) string {}

// unknownRevisionInfo returns a RevInfo containing an Origin containing a RepoSum of refs,
// for use when returning an UnknownRevisionError.
func (r *gitRepo) unknownRevisionInfo(refs map[string]string) *RevInfo {}

func (r *gitRepo) Latest(ctx context.Context) (*RevInfo, error) {}

// findRef finds some ref name for the given hash,
// for use when the server requires giving a ref instead of a hash.
// There may be multiple ref names for a given hash,
// in which case this returns some name - it doesn't matter which.
func (r *gitRepo) findRef(ctx context.Context, hash string) (ref string, ok bool) {}

const minHashDigits

// stat stats the given rev in the local repository,
// or else it fetches more info from the remote repository and tries again.
func (r *gitRepo) stat(ctx context.Context, rev string) (info *RevInfo, err error) {}

// fetchRefsLocked fetches all heads and tags from the origin, along with the
// ancestors of those commits.
// We only fetch heads and tags, not arbitrary other commits: we don't want to
// pull in off-branch commits (such as rejected GitHub pull requests) that the
// server may be willing to provide. (See the comments within the stat method
// for more detail.)
// fetchRefsLocked requires that r.mu remain locked for the duration of the call.
func (r *gitRepo) fetchRefsLocked(ctx context.Context) error {}

// statLocal returns a new RevInfo describing rev in the local git repository.
// It uses version as info.Version.
func (r *gitRepo) statLocal(ctx context.Context, version, rev string) (*RevInfo, error) {}

func (r *gitRepo) Stat(ctx context.Context, rev string) (*RevInfo, error) {}

func (r *gitRepo) ReadFile(ctx context.Context, rev, file string, maxSize int64) ([]byte, error) {}

func (r *gitRepo) RecentTag(ctx context.Context, rev, prefix string, allowed func(tag string) bool) (tag string, err error) {}

func (r *gitRepo) DescendsFrom(ctx context.Context, rev, tag string) (bool, error) {}

func (r *gitRepo) ReadZip(ctx context.Context, rev, subdir string, maxSize int64) (zip io.ReadCloser, err error) {}

// ensureGitAttributes makes sure export-subst and export-ignore features are
// disabled for this repo. This is intended to be run prior to running git
// archive so that zip files are generated that produce consistent ziphashes
// for a given revision, independent of variables such as git version and the
// size of the repo.
// See: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/27153
func ensureGitAttributes(repoDir string) (err error) {}

func (r *gitRepo) runGit(ctx context.Context, cmdline ...any) ([]byte, error) {}