
type Context

// joinPath calls ctxt.JoinPath (if not nil) or else filepath.Join.
func (ctxt *Context) joinPath(elem ...string) string {}

// splitPathList calls ctxt.SplitPathList (if not nil) or else filepath.SplitList.
func (ctxt *Context) splitPathList(s string) []string {}

// isAbsPath calls ctxt.IsAbsPath (if not nil) or else filepath.IsAbs.
func (ctxt *Context) isAbsPath(path string) bool {}

// isDir calls ctxt.IsDir (if not nil) or else uses fsys.Stat.
func isDir(path string) bool {}

// hasSubdir calls ctxt.HasSubdir (if not nil) or else uses
// the local file system to answer the question.
func (ctxt *Context) hasSubdir(root, dir string) (rel string, ok bool) {}

// hasSubdir reports if dir is within root by performing lexical analysis only.
func hasSubdir(root, dir string) (rel string, ok bool) {}

// gopath returns the list of Go path directories.
func (ctxt *Context) gopath() []string {}

var (

type NoGoError

func (e *NoGoError) Error() string {}

type MultiplePackageError

func (e *MultiplePackageError) Error() string {}

func nameExt(name string) string {}

func fileListForExt(p *build.Package, ext string) *[]string {}

var errNoModules

func findImportComment(data []byte) (s string, line int) {}

var slashSlash

var slashStar

var starSlash

var newline

// skipSpaceOrComment returns data with any leading spaces or comments removed.
func skipSpaceOrComment(data []byte) []byte {}

// parseWord skips any leading spaces or comments in data
// and then parses the beginning of data as an identifier or keyword,
// returning that word and what remains after the word.
func parseWord(data []byte) (word, rest []byte) {}

var dummyPkg

type fileInfo

type fileImport

type fileEmbed

var errNonSource

// getFileInfo extracts the information needed from each go file for the module
// index.
// If Name denotes a Go program, matchFile reads until the end of the
// Imports and returns that section of the file in the FileInfo's Header field,
// even though it only considers text until the first non-comment
// for +build lines.
// getFileInfo will return errNonSource if the file is not a source or object
// file and shouldn't even be added to IgnoredFiles.
func getFileInfo(dir, name string, fset *token.FileSet) (*fileInfo, error) {}

func cleanDecls(m map[string][]token.Position) ([]string, map[string][]token.Position) {}

var bSlashSlash

var bStarSlash

var bSlashStar

var bPlusBuild

var goBuildComment

var errMultipleGoBuild

func isGoBuildComment(line []byte) bool {}

var binaryOnlyComment

func getConstraints(content []byte) (goBuild string, plusBuild []string, binaryOnly bool, err error) {}

func parseFileHeader(content []byte) (trimmed, goBuild []byte, sawBinaryOnly bool, err error) {}

// saveCgo saves the information from the #cgo lines in the import "C" comment.
// These lines set CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS and pkg-config directives
// that affect the way cgo's C code is built.
func (ctxt *Context) saveCgo(filename string, di *build.Package, text string) error {}

// expandSrcDir expands any occurrence of ${SRCDIR}, making sure
// the result is safe for the shell.
func expandSrcDir(str string, srcdir string) (string, bool) {}

// makePathsAbsolute looks for compiler options that take paths and
// makes them absolute. We do this because through the 1.8 release we
// ran the compiler in the package directory, so any relative -I or -L
// options would be relative to that directory. In 1.9 we changed to
// running the compiler in the build directory, to get consistent
// build results (issue #19964). To keep builds working, we change any
// relative -I or -L options to be absolute.
// Using filepath.IsAbs and filepath.Join here means the results will be
// different on different systems, but that's OK: -I and -L options are
// inherently system-dependent.
func (ctxt *Context) makePathsAbsolute(args []string, srcDir string) {}

const safeString

func safeCgoName(s string) bool {}

// splitQuoted splits the string s around each instance of one or more consecutive
// white space characters while taking into account quotes and escaping, and
// returns an array of substrings of s or an empty list if s contains only white space.
// Single quotes and double quotes are recognized to prevent splitting within the
// quoted region, and are removed from the resulting substrings. If a quote in s
// isn't closed err will be set and r will have the unclosed argument as the
// last element. The backslash is used for escaping.
// For example, the following string:
//	a b:"c d" 'e''f'  "g\""
// Would be parsed as:
//	[]string{"a", "b:c d", "ef", `g"`}
func splitQuoted(s string) (r []string, err error) {}

// matchAuto interprets text as either a +build or //go:build expression (whichever works),
// reporting whether the expression matches the build context.
// matchAuto is only used for testing of tag evaluation
// and in #cgo lines, which accept either syntax.
func (ctxt *Context) matchAuto(text string, allTags map[string]bool) bool {}

func (ctxt *Context) eval(x constraint.Expr, allTags map[string]bool) bool {}

// matchTag reports whether the name is one of:
//	cgo (if cgo is enabled)
//	$GOOS
//	boringcrypto
//	ctxt.Compiler
//	linux (if GOOS == android)
//	solaris (if GOOS == illumos)
//	tag (if tag is listed in ctxt.BuildTags or ctxt.ReleaseTags)
// It records all consulted tags in allTags.
func (ctxt *Context) matchTag(name string, allTags map[string]bool) bool {}

// goodOSArchFile returns false if the name contains a $GOOS or $GOARCH
// suffix which does not match the current system.
// The recognized name formats are:
//	name_$(GOOS).*
//	name_$(GOARCH).*
//	name_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH).*
//	name_$(GOOS)_test.*
//	name_$(GOARCH)_test.*
//	name_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)_test.*
// Exceptions:
// if GOOS=android, then files with GOOS=linux are also matched.
// if GOOS=illumos, then files with GOOS=solaris are also matched.
// if GOOS=ios, then files with GOOS=darwin are also matched.
func (ctxt *Context) goodOSArchFile(name string, allTags map[string]bool) bool {}