
type Requirements

type cachedGraph

var requirements

func mustHaveGoRoot(roots []module.Version) {}

// newRequirements returns a new requirement set with the given root modules.
// The dependencies of the roots will be loaded lazily at the first call to the
// Graph method.
// The rootModules slice must be sorted according to gover.ModSort.
// The caller must not modify the rootModules slice or direct map after passing
// them to newRequirements.
// If vendoring is in effect, the caller must invoke initVendor on the returned
// *Requirements before any other method.
func newRequirements(pruning modPruning, rootModules []module.Version, direct map[string]bool) *Requirements {}

// String returns a string describing the Requirements for debugging.
func (rs *Requirements) String() string {}

// initVendor initializes rs.graph from the given list of vendored module
// dependencies, overriding the graph that would normally be loaded from module
// requirements.
func (rs *Requirements) initVendor(vendorList []module.Version) {}

// GoVersion returns the Go language version for the Requirements.
func (rs *Requirements) GoVersion() string {}

// rootSelected returns the version of the root dependency with the given module
// path, or the zero module.Version and ok=false if the module is not a root
// dependency.
func (rs *Requirements) rootSelected(path string) (version string, ok bool) {}

// hasRedundantRoot returns true if the root list contains multiple requirements
// of the same module or a requirement on any version of the main module.
// Redundant requirements should be pruned, but they may influence version
// selection.
func (rs *Requirements) hasRedundantRoot() bool {}

// Graph returns the graph of module requirements loaded from the current
// root modules (as reported by RootModules).
// Graph always makes a best effort to load the requirement graph despite any
// errors, and always returns a non-nil *ModuleGraph.
// If the requirements of any relevant module fail to load, Graph also
// returns a non-nil error of type *mvs.BuildListError.
func (rs *Requirements) Graph(ctx context.Context) (*ModuleGraph, error) {}

// IsDirect returns whether the given module provides a package directly
// imported by a package or test in the main module.
func (rs *Requirements) IsDirect(path string) bool {}

type ModuleGraph

var readModGraphDebugOnce

// readModGraph reads and returns the module dependency graph starting at the
// given roots.
// The requirements of the module versions found in the unprune map are included
// in the graph even if they would normally be pruned out.
// Unlike LoadModGraph, readModGraph does not attempt to diagnose or update
// inconsistent roots.
func readModGraph(ctx context.Context, pruning modPruning, roots []module.Version, unprune map[module.Version]bool) (*ModuleGraph, error) {}

// RequiredBy returns the dependencies required by module m in the graph,
// or ok=false if module m's dependencies are pruned out.
// The caller must not modify the returned slice, but may safely append to it
// and may rely on it not to be modified.
func (mg *ModuleGraph) RequiredBy(m module.Version) (reqs []module.Version, ok bool) {}

// Selected returns the selected version of the module with the given path.
// If no version is selected, Selected returns version "none".
func (mg *ModuleGraph) Selected(path string) (version string) {}

// WalkBreadthFirst invokes f once, in breadth-first order, for each module
// version other than "none" that appears in the graph, regardless of whether
// that version is selected.
func (mg *ModuleGraph) WalkBreadthFirst(f func(m module.Version)) {}

// BuildList returns the selected versions of all modules present in the graph,
// beginning with the main modules.
// The order of the remaining elements in the list is deterministic
// but arbitrary.
// The caller must not modify the returned list, but may safely append to it
// and may rely on it not to be modified.
func (mg *ModuleGraph) BuildList() []module.Version {}

func (mg *ModuleGraph) findError() error {}

func (mg *ModuleGraph) allRootsSelected() bool {}

// LoadModGraph loads and returns the graph of module dependencies of the main module,
// without loading any packages.
// If the goVersion string is non-empty, the returned graph is the graph
// as interpreted by the given Go version (instead of the version indicated
// in the go.mod file).
// Modules are loaded automatically (and lazily) in LoadPackages:
// LoadModGraph need only be called if LoadPackages is not,
// typically in commands that care about modules but no particular package.
func LoadModGraph(ctx context.Context, goVersion string) (*ModuleGraph, error) {}

// expandGraph loads the complete module graph from rs.
// If the complete graph reveals that some root of rs is not actually the
// selected version of its path, expandGraph computes a new set of roots that
// are consistent. (With a pruned module graph, this may result in upgrades to
// other modules due to requirements that were previously pruned out.)
// expandGraph returns the updated roots, along with the module graph loaded
// from those roots and any error encountered while loading that graph.
// expandGraph returns non-nil requirements and a non-nil graph regardless of
// errors. On error, the roots might not be updated to be consistent.
func expandGraph(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements) (*Requirements, *ModuleGraph, error) {}

// EditBuildList edits the global build list by first adding every module in add
// to the existing build list, then adjusting versions (and adding or removing
// requirements as needed) until every module in mustSelect is selected at the
// given version.
// (Note that the newly-added modules might not be selected in the resulting
// build list: they could be lower than existing requirements or conflict with
// versions in mustSelect.)
// If the versions listed in mustSelect are mutually incompatible (due to one of
// the listed modules requiring a higher version of another), EditBuildList
// returns a *ConstraintError and leaves the build list in its previous state.
// On success, EditBuildList reports whether the selected version of any module
// in the build list may have been changed (possibly to or from "none") as a
// result.
func EditBuildList(ctx context.Context, add, mustSelect []module.Version) (changed bool, err error) {}

// OverrideRoots edits the global requirement roots by replacing the specific module versions.
func OverrideRoots(ctx context.Context, replace []module.Version) {}

func overrideRoots(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements, replace []module.Version) *Requirements {}

type ConstraintError

func (e *ConstraintError) Error() string {}

type Conflict

// UnwrapModuleError returns c.Err, but unwraps it if it is a module.ModuleError
// with a version and path matching the last entry in the Path slice.
func (c Conflict) UnwrapModuleError() error {}

// Summary returns a string that describes only the first and last modules in
// the conflict path.
func (c Conflict) Summary() string {}

// String returns a string that describes the full conflict path.
func (c Conflict) String() string {}

// tidyRoots trims the root dependencies to the minimal requirements needed to
// both retain the same versions of all packages in pkgs and satisfy the
// graph-pruning invariants (if applicable).
func tidyRoots(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements, pkgs []*loadPkg) (*Requirements, error) {}

func updateRoots(ctx context.Context, direct map[string]bool, rs *Requirements, pkgs []*loadPkg, add []module.Version, rootsImported bool) (*Requirements, error) {}

func updateWorkspaceRoots(ctx context.Context, direct map[string]bool, rs *Requirements, add []module.Version) (*Requirements, error) {}

// tidyPrunedRoots returns a minimal set of root requirements that maintains the
// invariants of the go.mod file needed to support graph pruning for the given
// packages:
//  1. For each package marked with pkgInAll, the module path that provided that
//     package is included as a root.
//  2. For all packages, the module that provided that package either remains
//     selected at the same version or is upgraded by the dependencies of a
//     root.
// If any module that provided a package has been upgraded above its previous
// version, the caller may need to reload and recompute the package graph.
// To ensure that the loading process eventually converges, the caller should
// add any needed roots from the tidy root set (without removing existing untidy
// roots) until the set of roots has converged.
func tidyPrunedRoots(ctx context.Context, mainModule module.Version, old *Requirements, pkgs []*loadPkg) (*Requirements, error) {}

// updatePrunedRoots returns a set of root requirements that maintains the
// invariants of the go.mod file needed to support graph pruning:
//  1. The selected version of the module providing each package marked with
//     either pkgInAll or pkgIsRoot is included as a root.
//     Note that certain root patterns (such as '...') may explode the root set
//     to contain every module that provides any package imported (or merely
//     required) by any other module.
//  2. Each root appears only once, at the selected version of its path
//     (if rs.graph is non-nil) or at the highest version otherwise present as a
//     root (otherwise).
//  3. Every module path that appears as a root in rs remains a root.
//  4. Every version in add is selected at its given version unless upgraded by
//     (the dependencies of) an existing root or another module in add.
// The packages in pkgs are assumed to have been loaded from either the roots of
// rs or the modules selected in the graph of rs.
// The above invariants together imply the graph-pruning invariants for the
// go.mod file:
//  1. (The import invariant.) Every module that provides a package transitively
//     imported by any package or test in the main module is included as a root.
//     This follows by induction from (1) and (3) above. Transitively-imported
//     packages loaded during this invocation are marked with pkgInAll (1),
//     and by hypothesis any transitively-imported packages loaded in previous
//     invocations were already roots in rs (3).
//  2. (The argument invariant.) Every module that provides a package matching
//     an explicit package pattern is included as a root. This follows directly
//     from (1): packages matching explicit package patterns are marked with
//     pkgIsRoot.
//  3. (The completeness invariant.) Every module that contributed any package
//     to the build is required by either the main module or one of the modules
//     it requires explicitly. This invariant is left up to the caller, who must
//     not load packages from outside the module graph but may add roots to the
//     graph, but is facilitated by (3). If the caller adds roots to the graph in
//     order to resolve missing packages, then updatePrunedRoots will retain them,
//     the selected versions of those roots cannot regress, and they will
//     eventually be written back to the main module's go.mod file.
// (See https://golang.org/design/36460-lazy-module-loading#invariants for more
// detail.)
func updatePrunedRoots(ctx context.Context, direct map[string]bool, rs *Requirements, pkgs []*loadPkg, add []module.Version, rootsImported bool) (*Requirements, error) {}

// spotCheckRoots reports whether the versions of the roots in rs satisfy the
// explicit requirements of the modules in mods.
func spotCheckRoots(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements, mods map[module.Version]bool) bool {}

// tidyUnprunedRoots returns a minimal set of root requirements that maintains
// the selected version of every module that provided or lexically could have
// provided a package in pkgs, and includes the selected version of every such
// module in direct as a root.
func tidyUnprunedRoots(ctx context.Context, mainModule module.Version, old *Requirements, pkgs []*loadPkg) (*Requirements, error) {}

// updateUnprunedRoots returns a set of root requirements that includes the selected
// version of every module path in direct as a root, and maintains the selected
// version of every module selected in the graph of rs.
// The roots are updated such that:
//  1. The selected version of every module path in direct is included as a root
//     (if it is not "none").
//  2. Each root is the selected version of its path. (We say that such a root
//     set is “consistent”.)
//  3. Every version selected in the graph of rs remains selected unless upgraded
//     by a dependency in add.
//  4. Every version in add is selected at its given version unless upgraded by
//     (the dependencies of) an existing root or another module in add.
func updateUnprunedRoots(ctx context.Context, direct map[string]bool, rs *Requirements, add []module.Version) (*Requirements, error) {}

// convertPruning returns a version of rs with the given pruning behavior.
// If rs already has the given pruning, convertPruning returns rs unmodified.
func convertPruning(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements, pruning modPruning) (*Requirements, error) {}