
// editRequirements returns an edited version of rs such that:
//  1. Each module version in mustSelect is selected.
//  2. Each module version in tryUpgrade is upgraded toward the indicated
//     version as far as can be done without violating (1).
//     (Other upgrades are also allowed if they are caused by
//     transitive requirements of versions in mustSelect or
//     tryUpgrade.)
//  3. Each module version in rs.rootModules (or rs.graph, if rs is unpruned)
//     is downgraded or upgraded from its original version only to the extent
//     needed to satisfy (1) and (2).
// Generally, the module versions in mustSelect are due to the module or a
// package within the module matching an explicit command line argument to 'go
// get', and the versions in tryUpgrade are transitive dependencies that are
// either being upgraded by 'go get -u' or being added to satisfy some
// otherwise-missing package import.
// If pruning is enabled, the roots of the edited requirements include an
// explicit entry for each module path in tryUpgrade, mustSelect, and the roots
// of rs, unless the selected version for the module path is "none".
func editRequirements(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements, tryUpgrade, mustSelect []module.Version) (edited *Requirements, changed bool, err error) {}

// extendGraph loads the module graph from roots, and iteratively extends it by
// unpruning the selected version of each module path that is a root in rs or in
// the roots slice until the graph reaches a fixed point.
// The graph is guaranteed to converge to a fixed point because unpruning a
// module version can only increase (never decrease) the selected versions,
// and the set of versions for each module is finite.
// The extended graph is useful for diagnosing version conflicts: for each
// selected module version, it can provide a complete path of requirements from
// some root to that version.
func extendGraph(ctx context.Context, rootPruning modPruning, roots []module.Version, selectedRoot map[string]string) (mg *ModuleGraph, upgradedRoot map[module.Version]bool, err error) {}

type perPruning

func (pp perPruning[T]) from(p modPruning) T {}

type dqTracker

type dqState

func (dq dqState) isDisqualified() bool {}

func (dq dqState) String() string {}

// require records that m directly requires r, in case r becomes disqualified.
// (These edges are in the opposite direction from the edges in an mvs.Graph.)
// If r is already disqualified, require propagates the disqualification to m
// and returns the reason for the disqualification.
func (t *dqTracker) require(m, r module.Version) (ok bool) {}

// disqualify records why the dependencies of m cannot be included in the module
// graph if reached from a part of the graph with the given pruning.
// Since the pruned graph is a subgraph of the unpruned graph, disqualifying a
// module from a pruned part of the graph also disqualifies it in the unpruned
// parts.
func (t *dqTracker) disqualify(m module.Version, fromPruning modPruning, reason dqState) {}

// check reports whether m is disqualified in the given pruning context.
func (t *dqTracker) check(m module.Version, pruning modPruning) dqState {}

// path returns the path from m to the reason it is disqualified, which may be
// either a module that violates constraints or an error in loading
// requirements.
// If m is not disqualified, path returns (nil, nil).
func (t *dqTracker) path(m module.Version, pruning modPruning) (path []module.Version, err error) {}