
type ImportMissingError

func (e *ImportMissingError) Error() string {}

func (e *ImportMissingError) Unwrap() error {}

func (e *ImportMissingError) ImportPath() string {}

type AmbiguousImportError

func (e *AmbiguousImportError) ImportPath() string {}

func (e *AmbiguousImportError) Error() string {}

type DirectImportFromImplicitDependencyError

func (e *DirectImportFromImplicitDependencyError) Error() string {}

func (e *DirectImportFromImplicitDependencyError) ImportPath() string {}

type ImportMissingSumError

func (e *ImportMissingSumError) Error() string {}

func (e *ImportMissingSumError) ImportPath() string {}

type invalidImportError

func (e *invalidImportError) ImportPath() string {}

func (e *invalidImportError) Error() string {}

func (e *invalidImportError) Unwrap() error {}

// importFromModules finds the module and directory in the dependency graph of
// rs containing the package with the given import path. If mg is nil,
// importFromModules attempts to locate the module using only the main module
// and the roots of rs before it loads the full graph.
// The answer must be unique: importFromModules returns an error if multiple
// modules are observed to provide the same package.
// importFromModules can return a module with an empty m.Path, for packages in
// the standard library.
// importFromModules can return an empty directory string, for fake packages
// like "C" and "unsafe".
// If the package is not present in any module selected from the requirement
// graph, importFromModules returns an *ImportMissingError.
// If the package is present in exactly one module, importFromModules will
// return the module, its root directory, and a list of other modules that
// lexically could have provided the package but did not.
// If skipModFile is true, the go.mod file for the package is not loaded. This
// allows 'go mod tidy' to preserve a minor checksum-preservation bug
// (https://go.dev/issue/56222) for modules with 'go' versions between 1.17 and
// 1.20, preventing unnecessary go.sum churn and network access in those
// modules.
func importFromModules(ctx context.Context, path string, rs *Requirements, mg *ModuleGraph, skipModFile bool) (m module.Version, modroot, dir string, altMods []module.Version, err error) {}

// queryImport attempts to locate a module that can be added to the current
// build list to provide the package with the given import path.
// Unlike QueryPattern, queryImport prefers to add a replaced version of a
// module *before* checking the proxies for a version to add.
func queryImport(ctx context.Context, path string, rs *Requirements) (module.Version, error) {}

// maybeInModule reports whether, syntactically,
// a package with the given import path could be supplied
// by a module with the given module path (mpath).
func maybeInModule(path, mpath string) bool {}

var haveGoModCache

var haveGoFilesCache

// dirInModule locates the directory that would hold the package named by the given path,
// if it were in the module with module path mpath and root mdir.
// If path is syntactically not within mpath,
// or if mdir is a local file tree (isLocal == true) and the directory
// that would hold path is in a sub-module (covered by a go.mod below mdir),
// dirInModule returns "", false, nil.
// Otherwise, dirInModule returns the name of the directory where
// Go source files would be expected, along with a boolean indicating
// whether there are in fact Go source files in that directory.
// A non-nil error indicates that the existence of the directory and/or
// source files could not be determined, for example due to a permission error.
func dirInModule(path, mpath, mdir string, isLocal bool) (dir string, haveGoFiles bool, err error) {}

// fetch downloads the given module (or its replacement)
// and returns its location.
// The isLocal return value reports whether the replacement,
// if any, is local to the filesystem.
func fetch(ctx context.Context, mod module.Version) (dir string, isLocal bool, err error) {}

// mustHaveSums reports whether we require that all checksums
// needed to load or build packages are already present in the go.sum file.
func mustHaveSums() bool {}

type sumMissingError

func (e *sumMissingError) Error() string {}