
var RootMode

var ForceUseModules

var allowMissingModuleImports

var ExplicitWriteGoMod

var initialized

var modRoots

var gopath

// EnterModule resets MainModules and requirements to refer to just this one module.
func EnterModule(ctx context.Context, enterModroot string) {}

var workFilePath

type MainModuleSet

func (mms *MainModuleSet) PathPrefix(m module.Version) string {}

// Versions returns the module.Version values of each of the main modules.
// For each of them, the Path fields are ordinary module paths and the Version
// fields are empty strings.
// Callers should not modify the returned slice.
func (mms *MainModuleSet) Versions() []module.Version {}

// Tools returns the tools defined by all the main modules.
// The key is the absolute package path of the tool.
func (mms *MainModuleSet) Tools() map[string]bool {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) Contains(path string) bool {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) ModRoot(m module.Version) string {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) InGorootSrc(m module.Version) bool {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) mustGetSingleMainModule() module.Version {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) GetSingleIndexOrNil() *modFileIndex {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) Index(m module.Version) *modFileIndex {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) SetIndex(m module.Version, index *modFileIndex) {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) ModFile(m module.Version) *modfile.File {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) WorkFile() *modfile.WorkFile {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) Len() int {}

// ModContainingCWD returns the main module containing the working directory,
// or module.Version{} if none of the main modules contain the working
// directory.
func (mms *MainModuleSet) ModContainingCWD() module.Version {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) HighestReplaced() map[string]string {}

// GoVersion returns the go version set on the single module, in module mode,
// or the go.work file in workspace mode.
func (mms *MainModuleSet) GoVersion() string {}

// Godebugs returns the godebug lines set on the single module, in module mode,
// or on the go.work file in workspace mode.
// The caller must not modify the result.
func (mms *MainModuleSet) Godebugs() []*modfile.Godebug {}

// Toolchain returns the toolchain set on the single module, in module mode,
// or the go.work file in workspace mode.
func (mms *MainModuleSet) Toolchain() string {}

func (mms *MainModuleSet) WorkFileReplaceMap() map[module.Version]module.Version {}

var MainModules

type Root

const AutoRoot

const NoRoot

const NeedRoot

// ModFile returns the parsed go.mod file.
// Note that after calling LoadPackages or LoadModGraph,
// the require statements in the modfile.File are no longer
// the source of truth and will be ignored: edits made directly
// will be lost at the next call to WriteGoMod.
// To make permanent changes to the require statements
// in go.mod, edit it before loading.
func ModFile() *modfile.File {}

func BinDir() string {}

// InitWorkfile initializes the workFilePath variable for commands that
// operate in workspace mode. It should not be called by other commands,
// for example 'go mod tidy', that don't operate in workspace mode.
func InitWorkfile() {}

// FindGoWork returns the name of the go.work file for this command,
// or the empty string if there isn't one.
// Most code should use Init and Enabled rather than use this directly.
// It is exported mainly for Go toolchain switching, which must process
// the go.work very early at startup.
func FindGoWork(wd string) string {}

// WorkFilePath returns the absolute path of the go.work file, or "" if not in
// workspace mode. WorkFilePath must be called after InitWorkfile.
func WorkFilePath() string {}

// Reset clears all the initialized, cached state about the use of modules,
// so that we can start over.
func Reset() {}

// Init determines whether module mode is enabled, locates the root of the
// current module (if any), sets environment variables for Git subprocesses, and
// configures the cfg, codehost, load, modfetch, and search packages for use
// with modules.
func Init() {}

// WillBeEnabled checks whether modules should be enabled but does not
// initialize modules by installing hooks. If Init has already been called,
// WillBeEnabled returns the same result as Enabled.
// This function is needed to break a cycle. The main package needs to know
// whether modules are enabled in order to install the module or GOPATH version
// of 'go get', but Init reads the -modfile flag in 'go get', so it shouldn't
// be called until the command is installed and flags are parsed. Instead of
// calling Init and Enabled, the main package can call this function.
func WillBeEnabled() bool {}

// FindGoMod returns the name of the go.mod file for this command,
// or the empty string if there isn't one.
// Most code should use Init and Enabled rather than use this directly.
// It is exported mainly for Go toolchain switching, which must process
// the go.mod very early at startup.
func FindGoMod(wd string) string {}

// Enabled reports whether modules are (or must be) enabled.
// If modules are enabled but there is no main module, Enabled returns true
// and then the first use of module information will call die
// (usually through MustModRoot).
func Enabled() bool {}

func VendorDir() string {}

func inWorkspaceMode() bool {}

// HasModRoot reports whether a main module is present.
// HasModRoot may return false even if Enabled returns true: for example, 'get'
// does not require a main module.
func HasModRoot() bool {}

// MustHaveModRoot checks that a main module or main modules are present,
// and calls base.Fatalf if there are no main modules.
func MustHaveModRoot() {}

// ModFilePath returns the path that would be used for the go.mod
// file, if in module mode. ModFilePath calls base.Fatalf if there is no main
// module, even if -modfile is set.
func ModFilePath() string {}

func modFilePath(modRoot string) string {}

func die() {}

var ErrNoModRoot

type goModDirtyError

func (goModDirtyError) Error() string {}

var errGoModDirty

func loadWorkFile(path string) (workFile *modfile.WorkFile, modRoots []string, err error) {}

// ReadWorkFile reads and parses the go.work file at the given path.
func ReadWorkFile(path string) (*modfile.WorkFile, error) {}

// WriteWorkFile cleans and writes out the go.work file to the given path.
func WriteWorkFile(path string, wf *modfile.WorkFile) error {}

// UpdateWorkGoVersion updates the go line in wf to be at least goVers,
// reporting whether it changed the file.
func UpdateWorkGoVersion(wf *modfile.WorkFile, goVers string) (changed bool) {}

// UpdateWorkFile updates comments on directory directives in the go.work
// file to include the associated module path.
func UpdateWorkFile(wf *modfile.WorkFile) {}

// LoadModFile sets Target and, if there is a main module, parses the initial
// build list from its go.mod file.
// LoadModFile may make changes in memory, like adding a go directive and
// ensuring requirements are consistent. The caller is responsible for ensuring
// those changes are written to disk by calling LoadPackages or ListModules
// (unless ExplicitWriteGoMod is set) or by calling WriteGoMod directly.
// As a side-effect, LoadModFile may change cfg.BuildMod to "vendor" if
// -mod wasn't set explicitly and automatic vendoring should be enabled.
// If LoadModFile or CreateModFile has already been called, LoadModFile returns
// the existing in-memory requirements (rather than re-reading them from disk).
// LoadModFile checks the roots of the module graph for consistency with each
// other, but unlike LoadModGraph does not load the full module graph or check
// it for global consistency. Most callers outside of the modload package should
// use LoadModGraph instead.
func LoadModFile(ctx context.Context) *Requirements {}

func loadModFile(ctx context.Context, opts *PackageOpts) (*Requirements, error) {}

func errWorkTooOld(gomod string, wf *modfile.WorkFile, goVers string) error {}

// CreateModFile initializes a new module by creating a go.mod file.
// If modPath is empty, CreateModFile will attempt to infer the path from the
// directory location within GOPATH.
// If a vendoring configuration file is present, CreateModFile will attempt to
// translate it to go.mod directives. The resulting build list may not be
// exactly the same as in the legacy configuration (for example, we can't get
// packages at multiple versions from the same module).
func CreateModFile(ctx context.Context, modPath string) {}

// fixVersion returns a modfile.VersionFixer implemented using the Query function.
// It resolves commit hashes and branch names to versions,
// canonicalizes versions that appeared in early vgo drafts,
// and does nothing for versions that already appear to be canonical.
// The VersionFixer sets 'fixed' if it ever returns a non-canonical version.
func fixVersion(ctx context.Context, fixed *bool) modfile.VersionFixer {}

// AllowMissingModuleImports allows import paths to be resolved to modules
// when there is no module root. Normally, this is forbidden because it's slow
// and there's no way to make the result reproducible, but some commands
// like 'go get' are expected to do this.
// This function affects the default cfg.BuildMod when outside of a module,
// so it can only be called prior to Init.
func AllowMissingModuleImports() {}

// makeMainModules creates a MainModuleSet and associated variables according to
// the given main modules.
func makeMainModules(ms []module.Version, rootDirs []string, modFiles []*modfile.File, indices []*modFileIndex, workFile *modfile.WorkFile) *MainModuleSet {}

// requirementsFromModFiles returns the set of non-excluded requirements from
// the global modFile.
func requirementsFromModFiles(ctx context.Context, workFile *modfile.WorkFile, modFiles []*modfile.File, opts *PackageOpts) *Requirements {}

type addToolchainRoot

const omitToolchainRoot

const withToolchainRoot

func directRequirements(modFiles []*modfile.File) map[string]bool {}

func rootsFromModFile(m module.Version, modFile *modfile.File, addToolchainRoot addToolchainRoot) (roots []module.Version, direct map[string]bool) {}

func appendGoAndToolchainRoots(roots []module.Version, goVersion, toolchain string, direct map[string]bool) []module.Version {}

// setDefaultBuildMod sets a default value for cfg.BuildMod if the -mod flag
// wasn't provided. setDefaultBuildMod may be called multiple times.
func setDefaultBuildMod() {}

func modulesTextIsForWorkspace(vendorDir string) (bool, error) {}

func mustHaveCompleteRequirements() bool {}

// addGoStmt adds a go directive to the go.mod file if it does not already
// include one. The 'go' version added, if any, is the latest version supported
// by this toolchain.
func addGoStmt(modFile *modfile.File, mod module.Version, v string) {}

func forceGoStmt(modFile *modfile.File, mod module.Version, v string) {}

var altConfigs

func findModuleRoot(dir string) (roots string) {}

func findWorkspaceFile(dir string) (root string) {}

func findAltConfig(dir string) (root, name string) {}

func findModulePath(dir string) (string, error) {}

var importCommentRE

func findImportComment(file string) string {}

type WriteOpts

// WriteGoMod writes the current build list back to go.mod.
func WriteGoMod(ctx context.Context, opts WriteOpts) error {}

var errNoChange

// UpdateGoModFromReqs returns a modified go.mod file using the current
// requirements. It does not commit these changes to disk.
func UpdateGoModFromReqs(ctx context.Context, opts WriteOpts) (before, after []byte, modFile *modfile.File, err error) {}

// commitRequirements ensures go.mod and go.sum are up to date with the current
// requirements.
// In "mod" mode, commitRequirements writes changes to go.mod and go.sum.
// In "readonly" and "vendor" modes, commitRequirements returns an error if
// go.mod or go.sum are out of date in a semantically significant way.
// In workspace mode, commitRequirements only writes changes to go.work.sum.
func commitRequirements(ctx context.Context, opts WriteOpts) (err error) {}

// keepSums returns the set of modules (and go.mod file entries) for which
// checksums would be needed in order to reload the same set of packages
// loaded by the most recent call to LoadPackages or ImportFromFiles,
// including any go.mod files needed to reconstruct the MVS result
// or identify go versions,
// in addition to the checksums for every module in keepMods.
func keepSums(ctx context.Context, ld *loader, rs *Requirements, which whichSums) map[module.Version]bool {}

type whichSums

const loadedZipSumsOnly

const addBuildListZipSums

// modkey returns the module.Version under which the checksum for m's go.mod
// file is stored in the go.sum file.
func modkey(m module.Version) module.Version {}

func suggestModulePath(path string) string {}

func suggestGopkgIn(path string) string {}

func CheckGodebug(verb, k, v string) error {}