
type ListMode

const ListU

const ListRetracted

const ListDeprecated

const ListVersions

const ListRetractedVersions

// ListModules returns a description of the modules matching args, if known,
// along with any error preventing additional matches from being identified.
// The returned slice can be nonempty even if the error is non-nil.
func ListModules(ctx context.Context, args []string, mode ListMode, reuseFile string) ([]*modinfo.ModulePublic, error) {}

func listModules(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements, args []string, mode ListMode, reuse map[module.Version]*modinfo.ModulePublic) (_ *Requirements, mods []*modinfo.ModulePublic, mgErr error) {}

// modinfoError wraps an error to create an error message in
// modinfo.ModuleError with minimal redundancy.
func modinfoError(path, vers string, err error) *modinfo.ModuleError {}