
var loaded

type PackageOpts

// LoadPackages identifies the set of packages matching the given patterns and
// loads the packages in the import graph rooted at that set.
func LoadPackages(ctx context.Context, opts PackageOpts, patterns ...string) (matches []*search.Match, loadedPackages []string) {}

// matchLocalDirs is like m.MatchDirs, but tries to avoid scanning directories
// outside of the standard library and active modules.
func matchLocalDirs(ctx context.Context, modRoots []string, m *search.Match, rs *Requirements) {}

// resolveLocalPackage resolves a filesystem path to a package path.
func resolveLocalPackage(ctx context.Context, dir string, rs *Requirements) (string, error) {}

var errDirectoryNotFound

var errPkgIsGorootSrc

var errPkgIsBuiltin

// pathInModuleCache returns the import path of the directory dir,
// if dir is in the module cache copy of a module in our build list.
func pathInModuleCache(ctx context.Context, dir string, rs *Requirements) string {}

// ImportFromFiles adds modules to the build list as needed
// to satisfy the imports in the named Go source files.
// Errors in missing dependencies are silenced.
// TODO(bcmills): Silencing errors seems off. Take a closer look at this and
// figure out what the error-reporting actually ought to be.
func ImportFromFiles(ctx context.Context, gofiles []string) {}

// DirImportPath returns the effective import path for dir,
// provided it is within a main module, or else returns ".".
func (mms *MainModuleSet) DirImportPath(ctx context.Context, dir string) (path string, m module.Version) {}

// PackageModule returns the module providing the package named by the import path.
func PackageModule(path string) module.Version {}

// Lookup returns the source directory, import path, and any loading error for
// the package at path as imported from the package in parentDir.
// Lookup requires that one of the Load functions in this package has already
// been called.
func Lookup(parentPath string, parentIsStd bool, path string) (dir, realPath string, err error) {}

type loader

type loaderParams

func (ld *loader) reset() {}

// error reports an error via either os.Stderr or base.Error,
// according to whether ld.AllowErrors is set.
func (ld *loader) error(err error) {}

// switchIfErrors switches toolchains if a switch is needed.
func (ld *loader) switchIfErrors(ctx context.Context) {}

// exitIfErrors switches toolchains if a switch is needed
// or else exits if any errors have been reported.
func (ld *loader) exitIfErrors(ctx context.Context) {}

// goVersion reports the Go version that should be used for the loader's
// requirements: ld.TidyGoVersion if set, or ld.requirements.GoVersion()
// otherwise.
func (ld *loader) goVersion() string {}

type loadPkg

type loadPkgFlags

const pkgInAll

const pkgIsRoot

const pkgFromRoot

const pkgImportsLoaded

// has reports whether all of the flags in cond are set in f.
func (f loadPkgFlags) has(cond loadPkgFlags) bool {}

type atomicLoadPkgFlags

// update sets the given flags in af (in addition to any flags already set).
// update returns the previous flag state so that the caller may determine which
// flags were newly-set.
func (af *atomicLoadPkgFlags) update(flags loadPkgFlags) (old loadPkgFlags) {}

// has reports whether all of the flags in cond are set in af.
func (af *atomicLoadPkgFlags) has(cond loadPkgFlags) bool {}

// isTest reports whether pkg is a test of another package.
func (pkg *loadPkg) isTest() bool {}

// fromExternalModule reports whether pkg was loaded from a module other than
// the main module.
func (pkg *loadPkg) fromExternalModule() bool {}

var errMissing

// loadFromRoots attempts to load the build graph needed to process a set of
// root packages and their dependencies.
// The set of root packages is returned by the params.listRoots function, and
// expanded to the full set of packages by tracing imports (and possibly tests)
// as needed.
func loadFromRoots(ctx context.Context, params loaderParams) *loader {}

// updateRequirements ensures that ld.requirements is consistent with the
// information gained from ld.pkgs.
// In particular:
//   - Modules that provide packages directly imported from the main module are
//     marked as direct, and are promoted to explicit roots. If a needed root
//     cannot be promoted due to -mod=readonly or -mod=vendor, the importing
//     package is marked with an error.
//   - If ld scanned the "all" pattern independent of build constraints, it is
//     guaranteed to have seen every direct import. Module dependencies that did
//     not provide any directly-imported package are then marked as indirect.
//   - Root dependencies are updated to their selected versions.
// The "changed" return value reports whether the update changed the selected
// version of any module that either provided a loaded package or may now
// provide a package that was previously unresolved.
func (ld *loader) updateRequirements(ctx context.Context) (changed bool, err error) {}

// resolveMissingImports returns a set of modules that could be added as
// dependencies in order to resolve missing packages from pkgs.
// The newly-resolved packages are added to the addedModuleFor map, and
// resolveMissingImports returns a map from each new module version to
// the first missing package that module would resolve.
func (ld *loader) resolveMissingImports(ctx context.Context) (modAddedBy map[module.Version]*loadPkg, err error) {}

// pkg locates the *loadPkg for path, creating and queuing it for loading if
// needed, and updates its state to reflect the given flags.
// The imports of the returned *loadPkg will be loaded asynchronously in the
// ld.work queue, and its test (if requested) will also be populated once
// imports have been resolved. When ld.work goes idle, all transitive imports of
// the requested package (and its test, if requested) will have been loaded.
func (ld *loader) pkg(ctx context.Context, path string, flags loadPkgFlags) *loadPkg {}

// applyPkgFlags updates pkg.flags to set the given flags and propagate the
// (transitive) effects of those flags, possibly loading or enqueueing further
// packages as a result.
func (ld *loader) applyPkgFlags(ctx context.Context, pkg *loadPkg, flags loadPkgFlags) {}

// preloadRootModules loads the module requirements needed to identify the
// selected version of each module providing a package in rootPkgs,
// adding new root modules to the module graph if needed.
func (ld *loader) preloadRootModules(ctx context.Context, rootPkgs []string) (changedBuildList bool) {}

// load loads an individual package.
func (ld *loader) load(ctx context.Context, pkg *loadPkg) {}

// pkgTest locates the test of pkg, creating it if needed, and updates its state
// to reflect the given flags.
// pkgTest requires that the imports of pkg have already been loaded (flagged
// with pkgImportsLoaded).
func (ld *loader) pkgTest(ctx context.Context, pkg *loadPkg, testFlags loadPkgFlags) *loadPkg {}

// stdVendor returns the canonical import path for the package with the given
// path when imported from the standard-library package at parentPath.
func (ld *loader) stdVendor(parentPath, path string) string {}

// computePatternAll returns the list of packages matching pattern "all",
// starting with a list of the import paths for the packages in the main module.
func (ld *loader) computePatternAll() (all []string) {}

// checkMultiplePaths verifies that a given module path is used as itself
// or as a replacement for another module, but not both at the same time.
// (See https://golang.org/issue/26607 and https://golang.org/issue/34650.)
func (ld *loader) checkMultiplePaths() {}

// checkTidyCompatibility emits an error if any package would be loaded from a
// different module under rs than under ld.requirements.
func (ld *loader) checkTidyCompatibility(ctx context.Context, rs *Requirements, compatVersion string) {}

// scanDir is like imports.ScanDir but elides known magic imports from the list,
// so that we do not go looking for packages that don't really exist.
// The standard magic import is "C", for cgo.
// The only other known magic imports are appengine and appengine/*.
// These are so old that they predate "go get" and did not use URL-like paths.
// Most code today now uses google.golang.org/appengine instead,
// but not all code has been so updated. When we mostly ignore build tags
// during "go vendor", we look into "// +build appengine" files and
// may see these legacy imports. We drop them so that the module
// search does not look for modules to try to satisfy them.
func scanDir(modroot string, dir string, tags map[string]bool) (imports_, testImports []string, err error) {}

// buildStacks computes minimal import stacks for each package,
// for use in error messages. When it completes, packages that
// are part of the original root set have pkg.stack == nil,
// and other packages have pkg.stack pointing at the next
// package up the import stack in their minimal chain.
// As a side effect, buildStacks also constructs ld.pkgs,
// the list of all packages loaded.
func (ld *loader) buildStacks() {}

// stackText builds the import stack text to use when
// reporting an error in pkg. It has the general form
//	root imports
//		other imports
//		other2 tested by
//		other2.test imports
//		pkg
func (pkg *loadPkg) stackText() string {}

// why returns the text to use in "go mod why" output about the given package.
// It is less ornate than the stackText but contains the same information.
func (pkg *loadPkg) why() string {}

// Why returns the "go mod why" output stanza for the given package,
// without the leading # comment.
// The package graph must have been loaded already, usually by LoadPackages.
// If there is no reason for the package to be in the current build,
// Why returns an empty string.
func Why(path string) string {}

// WhyDepth returns the number of steps in the Why listing.
// If there is no reason for the package to be in the current build,
// WhyDepth returns 0.
func WhyDepth(path string) int {}