
// ReadModFile reads and parses the mod file at gomod. ReadModFile properly applies the
// overlay, locks the file while reading, and applies fix, if applicable.
func ReadModFile(gomod string, fix modfile.VersionFixer) (data []byte, f *modfile.File, err error) {}

type modFileIndex

type requireMeta

type modPruning

const pruned

const unpruned

const workspace

func (p modPruning) String() string {}

func pruningForGoVersion(goVersion string) modPruning {}

// CheckAllowed returns an error equivalent to ErrDisallowed if m is excluded by
// the main module's go.mod or retracted by its author. Most version queries use
// this to filter out versions that should not be used.
func CheckAllowed(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) error {}

var ErrDisallowed

// CheckExclusions returns an error equivalent to ErrDisallowed if module m is
// excluded by the main module's go.mod file.
func CheckExclusions(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) error {}

var errExcluded

type excludedError

func (e *excludedError) Error() string     {}

func (e *excludedError) Is(err error) bool {}

// CheckRetractions returns an error if module m has been retracted by
// its author.
func CheckRetractions(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) (err error) {}

type ModuleRetractedError

func (e *ModuleRetractedError) Error() string {}

func (e *ModuleRetractedError) Is(err error) bool {}

type retractionLoadingError

func (e *retractionLoadingError) Error() string {}

func (e *retractionLoadingError) Unwrap() error {}

// ShortMessage returns a string from go.mod (for example, a retraction
// rationale or deprecation message) that is safe to print in a terminal.
// If the given string is empty, ShortMessage returns the given default. If the
// given string is too long or contains non-printable characters, ShortMessage
// returns a hard-coded string.
func ShortMessage(message, emptyDefault string) string {}

// CheckDeprecation returns a deprecation message from the go.mod file of the
// latest version of the given module. Deprecation messages are comments
// before or on the same line as the module directives that start with
// "Deprecated:" and run until the end of the paragraph.
// CheckDeprecation returns an error if the message can't be loaded.
// CheckDeprecation returns "", nil if there is no deprecation message.
func CheckDeprecation(ctx context.Context, m module.Version) (deprecation string, err error) {}

func replacement(mod module.Version, replace map[module.Version]module.Version) (fromVersion string, to module.Version, ok bool) {}

// Replacement returns the replacement for mod, if any. If the path in the
// module.Version is relative it's relative to the single main module outside
// workspace mode, or the workspace's directory in workspace mode.
func Replacement(mod module.Version) module.Version {}

// replacementFrom returns the replacement for mod, if any, the modroot of the replacement if it appeared in a go.mod,
// and the source of the replacement. The replacement is relative to the go.work or go.mod file it appears in.
func replacementFrom(mod module.Version) (r module.Version, modroot string, fromFile string) {}

func replaceRelativeTo() string {}

// canonicalizeReplacePath ensures that relative, on-disk, replaced module paths
// are relative to the workspace directory (in workspace mode) or to the module's
// directory (in module mode, as they already are).
func canonicalizeReplacePath(r module.Version, modRoot string) module.Version {}

// resolveReplacement returns the module actually used to load the source code
// for m: either m itself, or the replacement for m (iff m is replaced).
// It also returns the modroot of the module providing the replacement if
// one was found.
func resolveReplacement(m module.Version) module.Version {}

func toReplaceMap(replacements []*modfile.Replace) map[module.Version]module.Version {}

// indexModFile rebuilds the index of modFile.
// If modFile has been changed since it was first read,
// modFile.Cleanup must be called before indexModFile.
func indexModFile(data []byte, modFile *modfile.File, mod module.Version, needsFix bool) *modFileIndex {}

// modFileIsDirty reports whether the go.mod file differs meaningfully
// from what was indexed.
// If modFile has been changed (even cosmetically) since it was first read,
// modFile.Cleanup must be called before modFileIsDirty.
func (i *modFileIndex) modFileIsDirty(modFile *modfile.File) bool {}

var rawGoVersion

type modFileSummary

type retraction

// goModSummary returns a summary of the go.mod file for module m,
// taking into account any replacements for m, exclusions of its dependencies,
// and/or vendoring.
// m must be a version in the module graph, reachable from the Target module.
// In readonly mode, the go.sum file must contain an entry for m's go.mod file
// (or its replacement). goModSummary must not be called for the Target module
// itself, as its requirements may change. Use rawGoModSummary for other
// module versions.
// The caller must not modify the returned summary.
func goModSummary(m module.Version) (*modFileSummary, error) {}

// rawGoModSummary returns a new summary of the go.mod file for module m,
// ignoring all replacements that may apply to m and excludes that may apply to
// its dependencies.
// rawGoModSummary cannot be used on the main module outside of workspace mode.
// The modFileSummary can still be used for retractions and deprecations
// even if a TooNewError is returned.
func rawGoModSummary(m module.Version) (*modFileSummary, error) {}

var rawGoModSummaryCache

// rawGoModData returns the content of the go.mod file for module m, ignoring
// all replacements that may apply to m.
// rawGoModData cannot be used on the main module outside of workspace mode.
// Unlike rawGoModSummary, rawGoModData does not cache its results in memory.
// Use rawGoModSummary instead unless you specifically need these bytes.
func rawGoModData(m module.Version) (name string, data []byte, err error) {}

// queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions looks up the latest version of the
// module with the given path without considering retracted or excluded
// versions.
// If all versions of the module are replaced,
// queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions returns the replacement without making
// a query.
// If the queried latest version is replaced,
// queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions returns the replacement.
func queryLatestVersionIgnoringRetractions(ctx context.Context, path string) (latest module.Version, err error) {}

var latestVersionIgnoringRetractionsCache

// ToDirectoryPath adds a prefix if necessary so that path in unambiguously
// an absolute path or a relative path starting with a '.' or '..'
// path component.
func ToDirectoryPath(path string) string {}