
// Query looks up a revision of a given module given a version query string.
// The module must be a complete module path.
// The version must take one of the following forms:
//   - the literal string "latest", denoting the latest available, allowed
//     tagged version, with non-prereleases preferred over prereleases.
//     If there are no tagged versions in the repo, latest returns the most
//     recent commit.
//   - the literal string "upgrade", equivalent to "latest" except that if
//     current is a newer version, current will be returned (see below).
//   - the literal string "patch", denoting the latest available tagged version
//     with the same major and minor number as current (see below).
//   - v1, denoting the latest available tagged version v1.x.x.
//   - v1.2, denoting the latest available tagged version v1.2.x.
//   - v1.2.3, a semantic version string denoting that tagged version.
//   - <v1.2.3, <=v1.2.3, >v1.2.3, >=v1.2.3,
//     denoting the version closest to the target and satisfying the given operator,
//     with non-prereleases preferred over prereleases.
//   - a repository commit identifier or tag, denoting that commit.
// current denotes the currently-selected version of the module; it may be
// "none" if no version is currently selected, or "" if the currently-selected
// version is unknown or should not be considered. If query is
// "upgrade" or "patch", current will be returned if it is a newer
// semantic version or a chronologically later pseudo-version than the
// version that would otherwise be chosen. This prevents accidental downgrades
// from newer pre-release or development versions.
// The allowed function (which may be nil) is used to filter out unsuitable
// versions (see AllowedFunc documentation for details). If the query refers to
// a specific revision (for example, "master"; see IsRevisionQuery), and the
// revision is disallowed by allowed, Query returns the error. If the query
// does not refer to a specific revision (for example, "latest"), Query
// acts as if versions disallowed by allowed do not exist.
// If path is the path of the main module and the query is "latest",
// Query returns Target.Version as the version.
// Query often returns a non-nil *RevInfo with a non-nil error,
// to provide an info.Origin that can allow the error to be cached.
func Query(ctx context.Context, path, query, current string, allowed AllowedFunc) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {}

// queryReuse is like Query but also takes a map of module info that can be reused
// if the validation criteria in Origin are met.
func queryReuse(ctx context.Context, path, query, current string, allowed AllowedFunc, reuse map[module.Version]*modinfo.ModulePublic) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {}

// checkReuse checks whether a revision of a given module
// for a given module may be reused, according to the information in origin.
func checkReuse(ctx context.Context, m module.Version, old *codehost.Origin) error {}

func checkReuseRepo(ctx context.Context, repo versionRepo, path, query string, origin *codehost.Origin) error {}

type AllowedFunc

var errQueryDisabled

type queryDisabledError

func (queryDisabledError) Error() string {}

func queryProxy(ctx context.Context, proxy, path, query, current string, allowed AllowedFunc, reuse map[module.Version]*modinfo.ModulePublic) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {}

// IsRevisionQuery returns true if vers is a version query that may refer to
// a particular version or revision in a repository like "v1.0.0", "master",
// or "0123abcd". IsRevisionQuery returns false if vers is a query that
// chooses from among available versions like "latest" or ">v1.0.0".
func IsRevisionQuery(path, vers string) bool {}

type queryMatcher

var errRevQuery

// newQueryMatcher returns a new queryMatcher that matches the versions
// specified by the given query on the module with the given path.
// If the query can only be resolved by statting a non-SemVer revision,
// newQueryMatcher returns errRevQuery.
func newQueryMatcher(path string, query, current string, allowed AllowedFunc) (*queryMatcher, error) {}

// allowsVersion reports whether version v is allowed by the prefix, filter, and
// AllowedFunc of qm.
func (qm *queryMatcher) allowsVersion(ctx context.Context, v string) bool {}

// filterVersions classifies versions into releases and pre-releases, filtering
// out:
//  1. versions that do not satisfy the 'allowed' predicate, and
//  2. "+incompatible" versions, if a compatible one satisfies the predicate
//     and the incompatible version is not preferred.
// If the allowed predicate returns an error not equivalent to ErrDisallowed,
// filterVersions returns that error.
func (qm *queryMatcher) filterVersions(ctx context.Context, versions []string) (releases, prereleases []string, err error) {}

type QueryResult

// QueryPackages is like QueryPattern, but requires that the pattern match at
// least one package and omits the non-package result (if any).
func QueryPackages(ctx context.Context, pattern, query string, current func(string) string, allowed AllowedFunc) ([]QueryResult, error) {}

// QueryPattern looks up the module(s) containing at least one package matching
// the given pattern at the given version. The results are sorted by module path
// length in descending order. If any proxy provides a non-empty set of candidate
// modules, no further proxies are tried.
// For wildcard patterns, QueryPattern looks in modules with package paths up to
// the first "..." in the pattern. For the pattern "example.com/a/b.../c",
// QueryPattern would consider prefixes of "example.com/a".
// If any matching package is in the main module, QueryPattern considers only
// the main module and only the version "latest", without checking for other
// possible modules.
// QueryPattern always returns at least one QueryResult (which may be only
// modOnly) or a non-nil error.
func QueryPattern(ctx context.Context, pattern, query string, current func(string) string, allowed AllowedFunc) (pkgMods []QueryResult, modOnly *QueryResult, err error) {}

// modulePrefixesExcludingTarget returns all prefixes of path that may plausibly
// exist as a module, excluding targetPrefix but otherwise including path
// itself, sorted by descending length. Prefixes that are not valid module paths
// but are valid package paths (like "m" or "example.com/.gen") are included,
// since they might be replaced.
func modulePrefixesExcludingTarget(path string) []string {}

func queryPrefixModules(ctx context.Context, candidateModules []string, queryModule func(ctx context.Context, path string) (QueryResult, error)) (found []QueryResult, err error) {}

type NoMatchingVersionError

func (e *NoMatchingVersionError) Error() string {}

type NoPatchBaseError

func (e *NoPatchBaseError) Error() string {}

type WildcardInFirstElementError

func (e *WildcardInFirstElementError) Error() string {}

type PackageNotInModuleError

func (e *PackageNotInModuleError) Error() string {}

func (e *PackageNotInModuleError) ImportPath() string {}

// versionHasGoMod returns whether a version has a go.mod file.
// versionHasGoMod fetches the go.mod file (possibly a fake) and true if it
// contains anything other than a module directive with the same path. When a
// module does not have a real go.mod file, the go command acts as if it had one
// that only contained a module directive. Normal go.mod files created after
// 1.12 at least have a go directive.
// This function is a heuristic, since it's possible to commit a file that would
// pass this test. However, we only need a heuristic for determining whether
// +incompatible versions may be "latest", which is what this function is used
// for.
// This heuristic is useful for two reasons: first, when using a proxy,
// this lets us fetch from the .mod endpoint which is much faster than the .zip
// endpoint. The .mod file is used anyway, even if the .zip file contains a
// go.mod with different content. Second, if we don't fetch the .zip, then
// we don't need to verify it in go.sum. This makes 'go list -m -u' faster
// and simpler.
func versionHasGoMod(_ context.Context, m module.Version) (bool, error) {}

type versionRepo

var _

func lookupRepo(ctx context.Context, proxy, path string) (repo versionRepo, err error) {}

type emptyRepo

var _

func (er emptyRepo) ModulePath() string {}

func (er emptyRepo) CheckReuse(ctx context.Context, old *codehost.Origin) error {}

func (er emptyRepo) Versions(ctx context.Context, prefix string) (*modfetch.Versions, error) {}

func (er emptyRepo) Stat(ctx context.Context, rev string) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {}

func (er emptyRepo) Latest(ctx context.Context) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {}

type replacementRepo

var _

func (rr *replacementRepo) ModulePath() string {}

func (rr *replacementRepo) CheckReuse(ctx context.Context, old *codehost.Origin) error {}

// Versions returns the versions from rr.repo augmented with any matching
// replacement versions.
func (rr *replacementRepo) Versions(ctx context.Context, prefix string) (*modfetch.Versions, error) {}

func (rr *replacementRepo) Stat(ctx context.Context, rev string) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {}

func (rr *replacementRepo) Latest(ctx context.Context) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {}

func (rr *replacementRepo) replacementStat(v string) (*modfetch.RevInfo, error) {}

type QueryMatchesMainModulesError

func (e *QueryMatchesMainModulesError) Error() string {}

type QueryUpgradesAllError

func (e *QueryUpgradesAllError) Error() string {}

type QueryMatchesPackagesInMainModuleError

func (e *QueryMatchesPackagesInMainModuleError) Error() string {}