
type Reqs

type UpgradeReqs

type DowngradeReqs

// BuildList returns the build list for the target module.
// target is the root vertex of a module requirement graph. For cmd/go, this is
// typically the main module, but note that this algorithm is not intended to
// be Go-specific: module paths and versions are treated as opaque values.
// reqs describes the module requirement graph and provides an opaque method
// for comparing versions.
// BuildList traverses the graph and returns a list containing the highest
// version for each visited module. The first element of the returned list is
// target itself; reqs.Max requires target.Version to compare higher than all
// other versions, so no other version can be selected. The remaining elements
// of the list are sorted by path.
// See https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs for details.
func BuildList(targets []module.Version, reqs Reqs) ([]module.Version, error) {}

func buildList(targets []module.Version, reqs Reqs, upgrade func(module.Version) (module.Version, error)) ([]module.Version, error) {}

// Req returns the minimal requirement list for the target module,
// with the constraint that all module paths listed in base must
// appear in the returned list.
func Req(mainModule module.Version, base []string, reqs Reqs) ([]module.Version, error) {}

// UpgradeAll returns a build list for the target module
// in which every module is upgraded to its latest version.
func UpgradeAll(target module.Version, reqs UpgradeReqs) ([]module.Version, error) {}

// Upgrade returns a build list for the target module
// in which the given additional modules are upgraded.
func Upgrade(target module.Version, reqs UpgradeReqs, upgrade ...module.Version) ([]module.Version, error) {}

// Downgrade returns a build list for the target module
// in which the given additional modules are downgraded,
// potentially overriding the requirements of the target.
// The versions to be downgraded may be unreachable from reqs.Latest and
// reqs.Previous, but the methods of reqs must otherwise handle such versions
// correctly.
func Downgrade(target module.Version, reqs DowngradeReqs, downgrade ...module.Version) ([]module.Version, error) {}

type override

func (r *override) Required(m module.Version) ([]module.Version, error) {}