
func init() {}

type outputdirFlag

func (f *outputdirFlag) String() string {}

func (f *outputdirFlag) Set(value string) (err error) {}

func (f *outputdirFlag) getAbs() string {}

type vetFlag

func (f *vetFlag) String() string {}

func (f *vetFlag) Set(value string) error {}

type shuffleFlag

func (f *shuffleFlag) String() string {}

func (f *shuffleFlag) Set(value string) error {}

// testFlags processes the command line, grabbing -x and -c, rewriting known flags
// to have "test" before them, and reading the command line for the test binary.
// Unfortunately for us, we need to do our own flag processing because go test
// grabs some flags but otherwise its command line is just a holding place for
// pkg.test's arguments.
// We allow known flags both before and after the package name list,
// to allow both
//	go test fmt -custom-flag-for-fmt-test
//	go test -x math
func testFlags(args []string) (packageNames, passToTest []string) {}

func exitWithUsage() {}