
const phaseDurationBegin

const phaseDurationEnd

const phaseFlowStart

const phaseFlowEnd

const bindEnclosingSlice

var traceStarted

func getTraceContext(ctx context.Context) (traceContext, bool) {}

// StartSpan starts a trace event with the given name. The Span ends when its Done method is called.
func StartSpan(ctx context.Context, name string) (context.Context, *Span) {}

// StartGoroutine associates the context with a new Thread ID. The Chrome trace viewer associates each
// trace event with a thread, and doesn't expect events with the same thread id to happen at the
// same time.
func StartGoroutine(ctx context.Context) context.Context {}

// Flow marks a flow indicating that the 'to' span depends on the 'from' span.
// Flow should be called while the 'to' span is in progress.
func Flow(ctx context.Context, from *Span, to *Span) {}

type Span

func (s *Span) Done() {}

type tracer

func (t *tracer) writeEvent(ev *format.Event) error {}

func (t *tracer) Close() error {}

func (t *tracer) getNextTID() uint64 {}

func (t *tracer) getNextFlowID() uint64 {}

type traceKey

type traceContext

// Start starts a trace which writes to the given file.
func Start(ctx context.Context, file string) (context.Context, func() error, error) {}

type traceFile