
// newScriptEngine returns a script engine augmented with commands for
// reproducing version-control repositories by replaying commits.
func newScriptEngine() *script.Engine {}

// loadScript interprets the given script content using the vcweb script engine.
// loadScript always returns either a non-nil handler or a non-nil error.
// The script content must be a txtar archive with a comment containing a script
// with exactly one "handle" command and zero or more VCS commands to prepare
// the repository to be served.
func (s *Server) loadScript(ctx context.Context, logger *log.Logger, scriptPath string, scriptContent []byte, workDir string) (http.Handler, error) {}

// newState returns a new script.State for executing scripts in workDir.
func (s *Server) newState(ctx context.Context, workDir string) (*script.State, error) {}

// scriptEnviron returns a new environment that attempts to provide predictable
// behavior for the supported version-control tools.
func scriptEnviron(homeDir string) []string {}

// homeEnvName returns the environment variable used by os.UserHomeDir
// to locate the user's home directory.
func homeEnvName() string {}

// tempEnvName returns the environment variable used by os.TempDir
// to locate the default directory for temporary files.
func tempEnvName() string {}

// pathEnvName returns the environment variable used by exec.LookPath to
// identify directories to search for executables.
func pathEnvName() string {}

type scriptCtx

type scriptCtxKey

func (sc *scriptCtx) Value(key any) any {}

func getScriptCtx(st *script.State) (*scriptCtx, error) {}

func scriptAt() script.Cmd {}

func scriptHandle() script.Cmd {}

func scriptModzip() script.Cmd {}

func scriptUnquote() script.Cmd {}