
var CmdVersion

func init() {}

var versionM

var versionV

func runVersion(ctx context.Context, cmd *base.Command, args []string) {}

// scanDir scans a directory for binary to run scanFile on.
func scanDir(dir string) {}

// isGoBinaryCandidate reports whether the file is a candidate to be a Go binary.
func isGoBinaryCandidate(file string, info fs.FileInfo) bool {}

// scanFile scans file to try to report the Go and module versions.
// If mustPrint is true, scanFile will report any error reading file.
// Otherwise (mustPrint is false, because scanFile is being called
// by scanDir) scanFile prints nothing for non-Go binaries.
// scanFile reports whether the file is a Go binary.
func scanFile(file string, info fs.FileInfo, mustPrint bool) bool {}