
type SecurityMode

const SecureOnly

const DefaultSecurity

const Insecure

type HTTPError

const maxErrorDetailLines

const maxErrorDetailBytes

func (e *HTTPError) Error() string {}

func (e *HTTPError) Is(target error) bool {}

func (e *HTTPError) Unwrap() error {}

// GetBytes returns the body of the requested resource, or an error if the
// response status was not http.StatusOK.
// GetBytes is a convenience wrapper around Get and Response.Err.
func GetBytes(u *url.URL) ([]byte, error) {}

type Response

// Err returns an *HTTPError corresponding to the response r.
// If the response r has StatusCode 200 or 0 (unset), Err returns nil.
// Otherwise, Err may read from r.Body in order to extract relevant error detail.
func (r *Response) Err() error {}

// formatErrorDetail converts r.errorDetail (a prefix of the output of r.Body)
// into a short, tab-indented summary.
func (r *Response) formatErrorDetail() string {}

// Get returns the body of the HTTP or HTTPS resource specified at the given URL.
// If the URL does not include an explicit scheme, Get first tries "https".
// If the server does not respond under that scheme and the security mode is
// Insecure, Get then tries "http".
// The URL included in the response indicates which scheme was actually used,
// and it is a redacted URL suitable for use in error messages.
// For the "https" scheme only, credentials are attached using the
// cmd/go/internal/auth package. If the URL itself includes a username and
// password, it will not be attempted under the "http" scheme unless the
// security mode is Insecure.
// Get returns a non-nil error only if the request did not receive a response
// under any applicable scheme. (A non-2xx response does not cause an error.)
func Get(security SecurityMode, u *url.URL) (*Response, error) {}

// OpenBrowser attempts to open the requested URL in a web browser.
func OpenBrowser(url string) (opened bool) {}

// Join returns the result of adding the slash-separated
// path elements to the end of u's path.
func Join(u *url.URL, path string) *url.URL {}

type errorDetailBuffer

func (b *errorDetailBuffer) Close() error {}

func (b *errorDetailBuffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// IsLocalHost reports whether the given URL refers to a local
// (loopback) host, such as "localhost" or "".
func IsLocalHost(u *url.URL) bool {}