
const DefaultCFlags

// actionList returns the list of actions in the dag rooted at root
// as visited in a depth-first post-order traversal.
func actionList(root *Action) []*Action {}

// Do runs the action graph rooted at root.
func (b *Builder) Do(ctx context.Context, root *Action) {}

// buildActionID computes the action ID for a build action.
func (b *Builder) buildActionID(a *Action) cache.ActionID {}

// needCgoHdr reports whether the actions triggered by this one
// expect to be able to access the cgo-generated header file.
func (b *Builder) needCgoHdr(a *Action) bool {}

// allowedVersion reports whether the version v is an allowed version of go
// (one that we can compile).
// v is known to be of the form "1.23".
func allowedVersion(v string) bool {}

const needBuild

const needCgoHdr

const needVet

const needCompiledGoFiles

const needCovMetaFile

const needStale

// build is the action for building a single package.
// Note that any new influence on this logic must be reported in b.buildActionID above as well.
func (b *Builder) build(ctx context.Context, a *Action) (err error) {}

func (b *Builder) checkDirectives(a *Action) error {}

func (b *Builder) cacheObjdirFile(a *Action, c cache.Cache, name string) error {}

func (b *Builder) findCachedObjdirFile(a *Action, c cache.Cache, name string) (string, error) {}

func (b *Builder) loadCachedObjdirFile(a *Action, c cache.Cache, name string) error {}

func (b *Builder) cacheCgoHdr(a *Action) {}

func (b *Builder) loadCachedCgoHdr(a *Action) error {}

func (b *Builder) cacheSrcFiles(a *Action, srcfiles []string) {}

func (b *Builder) loadCachedVet(a *Action) error {}

func (b *Builder) loadCachedCompiledGoFiles(a *Action) error {}

type vetConfig

func buildVetConfig(a *Action, srcfiles []string) {}

var VetTool

var VetFlags

var VetExplicit

func (b *Builder) vet(ctx context.Context, a *Action) error {}

// linkActionID computes the action ID for a link action.
func (b *Builder) linkActionID(a *Action) cache.ActionID {}

// printLinkerConfig prints the linker config into the hash h,
// as part of the computation of a linker-related action ID.
func (b *Builder) printLinkerConfig(h io.Writer, p *load.Package) {}

// link is the action for linking a single command.
// Note that any new influence on this logic must be reported in b.linkActionID above as well.
func (b *Builder) link(ctx context.Context, a *Action) (err error) {}

func (b *Builder) writeLinkImportcfg(a *Action, file string) error {}

// PkgconfigCmd returns a pkg-config binary name
// defaultPkgConfig is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
func (b *Builder) PkgconfigCmd() string {}

// splitPkgConfigOutput parses the pkg-config output into a slice of flags.
// This implements the shell quoting semantics described in
// https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html#tag_18_02,
// except that it does not support parameter or arithmetic expansion or command
// substitution and hard-codes the <blank> delimiters instead of reading them
// from LC_LOCALE.
func splitPkgConfigOutput(out []byte) ([]string, error) {}

// Calls pkg-config if needed and returns the cflags/ldflags needed to build a's package.
func (b *Builder) getPkgConfigFlags(a *Action) (cflags, ldflags []string, err error) {}

func (b *Builder) installShlibname(ctx context.Context, a *Action) error {}

func (b *Builder) linkSharedActionID(a *Action) cache.ActionID {}

func (b *Builder) linkShared(ctx context.Context, a *Action) (err error) {}

// BuildInstallFunc is the action for installing a single package or executable.
func BuildInstallFunc(b *Builder, ctx context.Context, a *Action) (err error) {}

var AllowInstall

// cleanup removes a's object dir to keep the amount of
// on-disk garbage down in a large build. On an operating system
// with aggressive buffering, cleaning incrementally like
// this keeps the intermediate objects from hitting the disk.
func (b *Builder) cleanup(a *Action) {}

// Install the cgo export header file, if there is one.
func (b *Builder) installHeader(ctx context.Context, a *Action) error {}

// cover runs, in effect,
//	go tool cover -mode=b.coverMode -var="varName" -o dst.go src.go
func (b *Builder) cover(a *Action, dst, src string, varName string) error {}

// cover2 runs, in effect,
//	go tool cover -pkgcfg=<config file> -mode=b.coverMode -var="varName" -o <outfiles> <infiles>
// Return value is an updated output files list; in addition to the
// regular outputs (instrumented source files) the cover tool also
// writes a separate file (appearing first in the list of outputs)
// that will contain coverage counters and meta-data.
func (b *Builder) cover2(a *Action, infiles, outfiles []string, varName string, mode string) ([]string, error) {}

func (b *Builder) writeCoverPkgInputs(a *Action, pconfigfile string, covoutputsfile string, outfiles []string) error {}

var objectMagic

func isObject(s string) bool {}

// cCompilerEnv returns environment variables to set when running the
// C compiler. This is needed to disable escape codes in clang error
// messages that confuse tools like cgo.
func (b *Builder) cCompilerEnv() []string {}

// mkAbs returns an absolute path corresponding to
// evaluating f in the directory dir.
// We always pass absolute paths of source files so that
// the error messages will include the full path to a file
// in need of attention.
func mkAbs(dir, f string) string {}

type toolchain

type noToolchain

func noCompiler() error {}

func (noToolchain) compiler() string {}

func (noToolchain) linker() string {}

func (noToolchain) gc(b *Builder, a *Action, archive string, importcfg, embedcfg []byte, symabis string, asmhdr bool, pgoProfile string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, out []byte, err error) {}

func (noToolchain) asm(b *Builder, a *Action, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {}

func (noToolchain) symabis(b *Builder, a *Action, sfiles []string) (string, error) {}

func (noToolchain) pack(b *Builder, a *Action, afile string, ofiles []string) error {}

func (noToolchain) ld(b *Builder, root *Action, targetPath, importcfg, mainpkg string) error {}

func (noToolchain) ldShared(b *Builder, root *Action, toplevelactions []*Action, targetPath, importcfg string, allactions []*Action) error {}

func (noToolchain) cc(b *Builder, a *Action, ofile, cfile string) error {}

// gcc runs the gcc C compiler to create an object from a single C file.
func (b *Builder) gcc(a *Action, workdir, out string, flags []string, cfile string) error {}

// gxx runs the g++ C++ compiler to create an object from a single C++ file.
func (b *Builder) gxx(a *Action, workdir, out string, flags []string, cxxfile string) error {}

// gfortran runs the gfortran Fortran compiler to create an object from a single Fortran file.
func (b *Builder) gfortran(a *Action, workdir, out string, flags []string, ffile string) error {}

// ccompile runs the given C or C++ compiler and creates an object from a single source file.
func (b *Builder) ccompile(a *Action, outfile string, flags []string, file string, compiler []string) error {}

// gccld runs the gcc linker to create an executable from a set of object files.
func (b *Builder) gccld(a *Action, objdir, outfile string, flags []string, objs []string) error {}

// GccCmd returns a gcc command line prefix
// defaultCC is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
func (b *Builder) GccCmd(incdir, workdir string) []string {}

// GxxCmd returns a g++ command line prefix
// defaultCXX is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
func (b *Builder) GxxCmd(incdir, workdir string) []string {}

// gfortranCmd returns a gfortran command line prefix.
func (b *Builder) gfortranCmd(incdir, workdir string) []string {}

// ccExe returns the CC compiler setting without all the extra flags we add implicitly.
func (b *Builder) ccExe() []string {}

// cxxExe returns the CXX compiler setting without all the extra flags we add implicitly.
func (b *Builder) cxxExe() []string {}

// fcExe returns the FC compiler setting without all the extra flags we add implicitly.
func (b *Builder) fcExe() []string {}

// compilerCmd returns a command line prefix for the given environment
// variable and using the default command when the variable is empty.
func (b *Builder) compilerCmd(compiler []string, incdir, workdir string) []string {}

// gccNoPie returns the flag to use to request non-PIE. On systems
// with PIE (position independent executables) enabled by default,
// -no-pie must be passed when doing a partial link with -Wl,-r.
// But -no-pie is not supported by all compilers, and clang spells it -nopie.
func (b *Builder) gccNoPie(linker []string) string {}

// gccSupportsFlag checks to see if the compiler supports a flag.
func (b *Builder) gccSupportsFlag(compiler []string, flag string) bool {}

// statString returns a string form of an os.FileInfo, for serializing and comparison.
func statString(info os.FileInfo) string {}

// gccCompilerID returns a build cache key for the current gcc,
// as identified by running 'compiler'.
// The caller can use subkeys of the key.
// Other parts of cmd/go can use the id as a hash
// of the installed compiler version.
func (b *Builder) gccCompilerID(compiler string) (id cache.ActionID, ok bool) {}

// gccArchArgs returns arguments to pass to gcc based on the architecture.
func (b *Builder) gccArchArgs() []string {}

// envList returns the value of the given environment variable broken
// into fields, using the default value when the variable is empty.
// The environment variable must be quoted correctly for
// quoted.Split. This should be done before building
// anything, for example, in BuildInit.
func envList(key, def string) []string {}

// CFlags returns the flags to use when invoking the C, C++ or Fortran compilers, or cgo.
func (b *Builder) CFlags(p *load.Package) (cppflags, cflags, cxxflags, fflags, ldflags []string, err error) {}

func buildFlags(name, defaults string, fromPackage []string, check func(string, string, []string) error) ([]string, error) {}

var cgoRe

func (b *Builder) cgo(a *Action, cgoExe, objdir string, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofiles, gccfiles, gxxfiles, mfiles, ffiles []string) (outGo, outObj []string, err error) {}

// flagsNotCompatibleWithInternalLinking scans the list of cgo
// compiler flags (C/C++/Fortran) looking for flags that might cause
// problems if the build in question uses internal linking. The
// primary culprits are use of plugins or use of LTO, but we err on
// the side of caution, supporting only those flags that are on the
// allow-list for safe flags from security perspective. Return is TRUE
// if a sensitive flag is found, FALSE otherwise.
func flagsNotCompatibleWithInternalLinking(sourceList []string, flagListList [][]string) bool {}

// dynimport creates a Go source file named importGo containing
// //go:cgo_import_dynamic directives for each symbol or library
// dynamically imported by the object files outObj.
// dynOutGo, if not empty, is a new Go file to build as part of the package.
// dynOutObj, if not empty, is a new file to add to the generated archive.
func (b *Builder) dynimport(a *Action, objdir, importGo, cgoExe string, cflags, cgoLDFLAGS, outObj []string) (dynOutGo, dynOutObj string, err error) {}

// Run SWIG on all SWIG input files.
// TODO: Don't build a shared library, once SWIG emits the necessary
// pragmas for external linking.
func (b *Builder) swig(a *Action, objdir string, pcCFLAGS []string) (outGo, outC, outCXX []string, err error) {}

var swigCheckOnce

var swigCheck

func (b *Builder) swigDoVersionCheck() error {}

func (b *Builder) swigVersionCheck() error {}

var swigIntSizeOnce

var swigIntSize

var swigIntSizeError

const swigIntSizeCode

// Determine the size of int on the target system for the -intgosize option
// of swig >= 2.0.9. Run only once.
func (b *Builder) swigDoIntSize(objdir string) (intsize string, err error) {}

// Determine the size of int on the target system for the -intgosize option
// of swig >= 2.0.9.
func (b *Builder) swigIntSize(objdir string) (intsize string, err error) {}

// Run SWIG on one SWIG input file.
func (b *Builder) swigOne(a *Action, file, objdir string, pcCFLAGS []string, cxx bool, intgosize string) (outGo, outC string, err error) {}

// disableBuildID adjusts a linker command line to avoid creating a
// build ID when creating an object file rather than an executable or
// shared library. Some systems, such as Ubuntu, always add
// --build-id to every link, but we don't want a build ID when we are
// producing an object file. On some of those system a plain -r (not
// -Wl,-r) will turn off --build-id, but clang 3.0 doesn't support a
// plain -r. I don't know how to turn off --build-id when using clang
// other than passing a trailing --build-id=none. So that is what we
// do, but only on systems likely to support it, which is to say,
// systems that normally use gold or the GNU linker.
func (b *Builder) disableBuildID(ldflags []string) []string {}

// mkAbsFiles converts files into a list of absolute files,
// assuming they were originally relative to dir,
// and returns that new list.
func mkAbsFiles(dir string, files []string) []string {}

// passLongArgsInResponseFiles modifies cmd such that, for
// certain programs, long arguments are passed in "response files", a
// file on disk with the arguments, with one arg per line. An actual
// argument starting with '@' means that the rest of the argument is
// a filename of arguments to expand.
// See issues 18468 (Windows) and 37768 (Darwin).
func passLongArgsInResponseFiles(cmd *exec.Cmd) (cleanup func()) {}

func useResponseFile(path string, argLen int) bool {}

// encodeArg encodes an argument for response file writing.
func encodeArg(arg string) string {}