
var ToolchainVersion

type gcToolchain

func (gcToolchain) compiler() string {}

func (gcToolchain) linker() string {}

func pkgPath(a *Action) string {}

func (gcToolchain) gc(b *Builder, a *Action, archive string, importcfg, embedcfg []byte, symabis string, asmhdr bool, pgoProfile string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, output []byte, err error) {}

// gcBackendConcurrency returns the backend compiler concurrency level for a package compilation.
func gcBackendConcurrency(gcflags []string) int {}

// trimpath returns the -trimpath argument to use
// when compiling the action.
func (a *Action) trimpath() string {}

func asmArgs(a *Action, p *load.Package) []any {}

func (gcToolchain) asm(b *Builder, a *Action, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {}

func (gcToolchain) symabis(b *Builder, a *Action, sfiles []string) (string, error) {}

// toolVerify checks that the command line args writes the same output file
// if run using newTool instead.
// Unused now but kept around for future use.
func toolVerify(a *Action, b *Builder, p *load.Package, newTool string, ofile string, args []any) error {}

func (gcToolchain) pack(b *Builder, a *Action, afile string, ofiles []string) error {}

func packInternal(afile string, ofiles []string) error {}

// setextld sets the appropriate linker flags for the specified compiler.
func setextld(ldflags []string, compiler []string) ([]string, error) {}

// pluginPath computes the package path for a plugin main package.
// This is typically the import path of the main package p, unless the
// plugin is being built directly from source files. In that case we
// combine the package build ID with the contents of the main package
// source files. This allows us to identify two different plugins
// built from two source files with the same name.
func pluginPath(a *Action) string {}

func (gcToolchain) ld(b *Builder, root *Action, targetPath, importcfg, mainpkg string) error {}

func (gcToolchain) ldShared(b *Builder, root *Action, toplevelactions []*Action, targetPath, importcfg string, allactions []*Action) error {}

func (gcToolchain) cc(b *Builder, a *Action, ofile, cfile string) error {}