
type gccgoToolchain

var (

var gccgoErr

func init() {}

func (gccgoToolchain) compiler() string {}

func (gccgoToolchain) linker() string {}

func (gccgoToolchain) ar() []string {}

func checkGccgoBin() {}

func (tools gccgoToolchain) gc(b *Builder, a *Action, archive string, importcfg, embedcfg []byte, symabis string, asmhdr bool, pgoProfile string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, output []byte, err error) {}

// buildImportcfgSymlinks builds in root a tree of symlinks
// implementing the directives from importcfg.
// This serves as a temporary transition mechanism until
// we can depend on gccgo reading an importcfg directly.
// (The Go 1.9 and later gc compilers already do.)
func buildImportcfgSymlinks(sh *Shell, root string, importcfg []byte) error {}

func (tools gccgoToolchain) asm(b *Builder, a *Action, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {}

func (gccgoToolchain) symabis(b *Builder, a *Action, sfiles []string) (string, error) {}

func gccgoArchive(basedir, imp string) string {}

func (tools gccgoToolchain) pack(b *Builder, a *Action, afile string, ofiles []string) error {}

func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *Builder, root *Action, out, importcfg string, allactions []*Action, buildmode, desc string) error {}

func (tools gccgoToolchain) ld(b *Builder, root *Action, targetPath, importcfg, mainpkg string) error {}

func (tools gccgoToolchain) ldShared(b *Builder, root *Action, toplevelactions []*Action, targetPath, importcfg string, allactions []*Action) error {}

func (tools gccgoToolchain) cc(b *Builder, a *Action, ofile, cfile string) error {}

// maybePIC adds -fPIC to the list of arguments if needed.
func (tools gccgoToolchain) maybePIC(args []string) []string {}

func gccgoPkgpath(p *load.Package) string {}

var gccgoToSymbolFuncOnce

var gccgoToSymbolFunc

func (tools gccgoToolchain) gccgoCleanPkgpath(b *Builder, p *load.Package) string {}

var gccgoSupportsCgoIncompleteOnce

var gccgoSupportsCgoIncomplete

const gccgoSupportsCgoIncompleteCode

// supportsCgoIncomplete reports whether the gccgo/GoLLVM compiler
// being used supports cgo.Incomplete, which was added in GCC 13.
// This takes an Action only for output reporting purposes.
// The result value is unrelated to the Action.
func (tools gccgoToolchain) supportsCgoIncomplete(b *Builder, a *Action) bool {}