
type Shell

type shellShared

// NewShell returns a new Shell.
// Shell will internally serialize calls to the print function.
// If print is nil, it defaults to printing to stderr.
func NewShell(workDir string, print func(a ...any) (int, error)) *Shell {}

// Print emits a to this Shell's output stream, formatting it like fmt.Print.
// It is safe to call concurrently.
func (sh *Shell) Print(a ...any) {}

func (sh *Shell) printLocked(a ...any) {}

// WithAction returns a Shell identical to sh, but bound to Action a.
func (sh *Shell) WithAction(a *Action) *Shell {}

// Shell returns a shell for running commands on behalf of Action a.
func (b *Builder) Shell(a *Action) *Shell {}

// BackgroundShell returns a Builder-wide Shell that's not bound to any Action.
// Try not to use this unless there's really no sensible Action available.
func (b *Builder) BackgroundShell() *Shell {}

// moveOrCopyFile is like 'mv src dst' or 'cp src dst'.
func (sh *Shell) moveOrCopyFile(dst, src string, perm fs.FileMode, force bool) error {}

// copyFile is like 'cp src dst'.
func (sh *Shell) CopyFile(dst, src string, perm fs.FileMode, force bool) error {}

// mayberemovefile removes a file only if it is a regular file
// When running as a user with sufficient privileges, we may delete
// even device files, for example, which is not intended.
func mayberemovefile(s string) {}

// writeFile writes the text to file.
func (sh *Shell) writeFile(file string, text []byte) error {}

// Mkdir makes the named directory.
func (sh *Shell) Mkdir(dir string) error {}

// RemoveAll is like 'rm -rf'. It attempts to remove all paths even if there's
// an error, and returns the first error.
func (sh *Shell) RemoveAll(paths ...string) error {}

// Symlink creates a symlink newname -> oldname.
func (sh *Shell) Symlink(oldname, newname string) error {}

// fmtCmd formats a command in the manner of fmt.Sprintf but also:
//	fmtCmd replaces the value of b.WorkDir with $WORK.
func (sh *Shell) fmtCmd(dir string, format string, args ...any) string {}

// ShowCmd prints the given command to standard output
// for the implementation of -n or -x.
// ShowCmd also replaces the name of the current script directory with dot (.)
// but only when it is at the beginning of a space-separated token.
// If dir is not "" or "/" and not the current script directory, ShowCmd first
// prints a "cd" command to switch to dir and updates the script directory.
func (sh *Shell) ShowCmd(dir string, format string, args ...any) {}

// reportCmd reports the output and exit status of a command. The cmdOut and
// cmdErr arguments are the output and exit error of the command, respectively.
// The exact reporting behavior is as follows:
//	cmdOut  cmdErr  Result
//	""      nil     print nothing, return nil
//	!=""    nil     print output, return nil
//	""      !=nil   print nothing, return cmdErr (later printed)
//	!=""    !=nil   print nothing, ignore err, return output as error (later printed)
// reportCmd returns a non-nil error if and only if cmdErr != nil. It assumes
// that the command output, if non-empty, is more detailed than the command
// error (which is usually just an exit status), so prefers using the output as
// the ultimate error. Typically, the caller should return this error from an
// Action, which it will be printed by the Builder.
// reportCmd formats the output as "# desc" followed by the given output. The
// output is expected to contain references to 'dir', usually the source
// directory for the package that has failed to build. reportCmd rewrites
// mentions of dir with a relative path to dir when the relative path is
// shorter. This is usually more pleasant. For example, if fmt doesn't compile
// and we are in src/html, the output is
//	$ go build
//	# fmt
//	../fmt/print.go:1090: undefined: asdf
//	$
// instead of
//	$ go build
//	# fmt
//	/usr/gopher/go/src/fmt/print.go:1090: undefined: asdf
//	$
// reportCmd also replaces references to the work directory with $WORK, replaces
// cgo file paths with the original file path, and replaces cgo-mangled names
// with "C.name".
// desc is optional. If "", a.Package.Desc() is used.
// dir is optional. If "", a.Package.Dir is used.
func (sh *Shell) reportCmd(desc, dir string, cmdOut []byte, cmdErr error) error {}

// replacePrefix is like strings.ReplaceAll, but only replaces instances of old
// that are preceded by ' ', '\t', or appear at the beginning of a line.
func replacePrefix(s, old, new string) string {}

type cmdError

func (e *cmdError) Error() string {}

func (e *cmdError) ImportPath() string {}

var cgoLine

var cgoTypeSigRe

// run runs the command given by cmdline in the directory dir.
// If the command fails, run prints information about the failure
// and returns a non-nil error.
func (sh *Shell) run(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...any) error {}

// runOut runs the command given by cmdline in the directory dir.
// It returns the command output and any errors that occurred.
// It accumulates execution time in a.
func (sh *Shell) runOut(dir string, env []string, cmdargs ...any) ([]byte, error) {}

// joinUnambiguously prints the slice, quoting where necessary to make the
// output unambiguous.
// TODO: See issue 5279. The printing of commands needs a complete redo.
func joinUnambiguously(a []string) string {}