
var cmdEdit

var editFmt

var editGo

var editToolchain

var editJSON

var editPrint

var workedits

type flagFunc

func (f flagFunc) String() string     {}

func (f flagFunc) Set(s string) error {}

func init() {}

func runEditwork(ctx context.Context, cmd *base.Command, args []string) {}

// flagEditworkGodebug implements the -godebug flag.
func flagEditworkGodebug(arg string) {}

// flagEditworkDropGodebug implements the -dropgodebug flag.
func flagEditworkDropGodebug(arg string) {}

// flagEditworkUse implements the -use flag.
func flagEditworkUse(arg string) {}

// flagEditworkDropUse implements the -dropuse flag.
func flagEditworkDropUse(arg string) {}

// allowedVersionArg returns whether a token may be used as a version in go.mod.
// We don't call modfile.CheckPathVersion, because that insists on versions
// being in semver form, but here we want to allow versions like "master" or
// "1234abcdef", which the go command will resolve the next time it runs (or
// during -fix).  Even so, we need to make sure the version is a valid token.
func allowedVersionArg(arg string) bool {}

// parsePathVersionOptional parses path[@version], using adj to
// describe any errors.
func parsePathVersionOptional(adj, arg string, allowDirPath bool) (path, version string, err error) {}

// flagEditworkReplace implements the -replace flag.
func flagEditworkReplace(arg string) {}

// flagEditworkDropReplace implements the -dropreplace flag.
func flagEditworkDropReplace(arg string) {}

type replaceJSON

// editPrintJSON prints the -json output.
func editPrintJSON(workFile *modfile.WorkFile) {}

type workfileJSON

type useJSON