
const pvagenfile

var pvaDoGenerate

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {}

// TestPutVarAbbrevGenerator checks that putvarabbrevgen.go is kept in sync
// with the contents of functions putvar and putAbstractVar. If test flag -generate
// is specified the file is regenerated instead.
// The block of code in putvar and putAbstractVar that picks the correct
// abbrev is also generated automatically by this function by looking at all
// the possible paths in their CFG and the order in which putattr is called.
// There are some restrictions on how putattr can be used in putvar and
// putAbstractVar:
//  1. it shouldn't appear inside a for or switch statements
//  2. it can appear within any number of nested if/else statements but the
//     conditionals must not change after putvarAbbrev/putAbstractVarAbbrev
//     are called
//  3. the form argument of putattr must be a compile time constant
//  4. each putattr call must be followed by a comment containing the name of
//     the attribute it is setting
// TestPutVarAbbrevGenerator will fail if (1) or (4) are not respected and
// the generated code will not compile if (3) is violated. Violating (2)
// will result in code silently wrong code (which will usually be detected
// by one of the tests that parse debug_info).
func TestPutVarAbbrevGenerator(t *testing.T) {}

func pvagenerate(t *testing.T) string {}

type pvacfgnode

// pvacfgbody generates a simplified CFG for a slice of statements,
// containing only calls to putattr and the if statements affecting them.
func pvacfgbody(t *testing.T, fset *token.FileSet, cm ast.CommentMap, body []ast.Stmt) (start, end *pvacfgnode) {}

func pvacfgif(t *testing.T, fset *token.FileSet, cm ast.CommentMap, ifstmt *ast.IfStmt) (start, end *pvacfgnode) {}

func exprToString(t ast.Expr) string {}

// findLineComment finds the line comment for statement stmt.
func findLineComment(cm ast.CommentMap, stmt *ast.ExprStmt) *ast.Comment {}

// pvacfgvisit visits the CFG depth first, populates abbrevs with all
// possible dwAbbrev definitions and returns a tree of if/else statements
// that picks the correct abbrev.
func pvacfgvisit(pvacfg *pvacfgnode, abbrevs map[string]int) ast.Stmt {}

func pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg *pvacfgnode, tag string, path []*pvacfgnode, abbrevs map[string]int) ast.Stmt {}

func toabbrev(tag string, path []*pvacfgnode) string {}