
const progMaxLiteral

type Writer

// Init initializes w to write a new GC program
// by calling writeByte for each byte in the program.
func (w *Writer) Init(writeByte func(byte)) {}

// Debug causes the writer to print a debugging trace to out
// during future calls to methods like Ptr, Advance, and End.
// It also enables debugging checks during the encoding.
func (w *Writer) Debug(out io.Writer) {}

// BitIndex returns the number of bits written to the bit stream so far.
func (w *Writer) BitIndex() int64 {}

// byte writes the byte x to the output.
func (w *Writer) byte(x byte) {}

// End marks the end of the program, writing any remaining bytes.
func (w *Writer) End() {}

// Ptr emits a 1 into the bit stream at the given bit index.
// that is, it records that the index'th word in the object memory is a pointer.
// Any bits between the current index and the new index
// are set to zero, meaning the corresponding words are scalars.
func (w *Writer) Ptr(index int64) {}

// ShouldRepeat reports whether it would be worthwhile to
// use a Repeat to describe c elements of n bits each,
// compared to just emitting c copies of the n-bit description.
func (w *Writer) ShouldRepeat(n, c int64) bool {}

// Repeat emits an instruction to repeat the description
// of the last n words c times (including the initial description, c+1 times in total).
func (w *Writer) Repeat(n, c int64) {}

// ZeroUntil adds zeros to the bit stream until reaching the given index;
// that is, it records that the words from the most recent pointer until
// the index'th word are scalars.
// ZeroUntil is usually called in preparation for a call to Repeat, Append, or End.
func (w *Writer) ZeroUntil(index int64) {}

// Append emits the given GC program into the current output.
// The caller asserts that the program emits n bits (describes n words),
// and Append panics if that is not true.
func (w *Writer) Append(prog []byte, n int64) {}

// progbits returns the length of the bit stream encoded by the program p.
func progbits(p []byte) int64 {}

// readvarint reads a varint from p, returning the value and the remainder of p.
func readvarint(p []byte) (int64, []byte) {}

// lit adds a single literal bit to w.
func (w *Writer) lit(x byte) {}

// varint emits the varint encoding of x.
func (w *Writer) varint(x int64) {}

// flushlit flushes any pending literal bits.
func (w *Writer) flushlit() {}