
const stringRefSize

type FingerprintType

func (fp FingerprintType) IsZero() bool {}

const PkgIdxNone

const PkgIdxHashed64

const PkgIdxHashed

const PkgIdxBuiltin

const PkgIdxSelf

const PkgIdxSpecial

const PkgIdxInvalid

const BlkAutolib

const BlkPkgIdx

const BlkFile

const BlkSymdef

const BlkHashed64def

const BlkHasheddef

const BlkNonpkgdef

const BlkNonpkgref

const BlkRefFlags

const BlkHash64

const BlkHash

const BlkRelocIdx

const BlkAuxIdx

const BlkDataIdx

const BlkReloc

const BlkAux

const BlkData

const BlkRefName

const BlkEnd

const NBlk

type Header

const Magic

func (h *Header) Write(w *Writer) {}

func (h *Header) Read(r *Reader) error {}

func (h *Header) Size() int {}

type ImportedPkg

const importedPkgSize

func (p *ImportedPkg) Write(w *Writer) {}

type Sym

const SymSize

const SymABIstatic

const ObjFlagShared

const _

const ObjFlagFromAssembly

const ObjFlagUnlinkable

const ObjFlagStd

const SymFlagDupok

const SymFlagLocal

const SymFlagTypelink

const SymFlagLeaf

const SymFlagNoSplit

const SymFlagReflectMethod

const SymFlagGoType

const SymFlagUsedInIface

const SymFlagItab

const SymFlagDict

const SymFlagPkgInit

const SymFlagLinkname

const SymFlagABIWrapper

const SymFlagWasmExport

// Returns the length of the name of the symbol.
func (s *Sym) NameLen(r *Reader) int {}

func (s *Sym) Name(r *Reader) string {}

func (s *Sym) ABI() uint16   {}

func (s *Sym) Type() uint8   {}

func (s *Sym) Flag() uint8   {}

func (s *Sym) Flag2() uint8  {}

func (s *Sym) Siz() uint32   {}

func (s *Sym) Align() uint32 {}

func (s *Sym) Dupok() bool         {}

func (s *Sym) Local() bool         {}

func (s *Sym) Typelink() bool      {}

func (s *Sym) Leaf() bool          {}

func (s *Sym) NoSplit() bool       {}

func (s *Sym) ReflectMethod() bool {}

func (s *Sym) IsGoType() bool      {}

func (s *Sym) UsedInIface() bool   {}

func (s *Sym) IsItab() bool        {}

func (s *Sym) IsDict() bool        {}

func (s *Sym) IsPkgInit() bool     {}

func (s *Sym) IsLinkname() bool    {}

func (s *Sym) ABIWrapper() bool    {}

func (s *Sym) WasmExport() bool    {}

func (s *Sym) SetName(x string, w *Writer) {}

func (s *Sym) SetABI(x uint16)   {}

func (s *Sym) SetType(x uint8)   {}

func (s *Sym) SetFlag(x uint8)   {}

func (s *Sym) SetFlag2(x uint8)  {}

func (s *Sym) SetSiz(x uint32)   {}

func (s *Sym) SetAlign(x uint32) {}

func (s *Sym) Write(w *Writer) {}

// for testing
func (s *Sym) fromBytes(b []byte) {}

type SymRef

func (s SymRef) IsZero() bool {}

type Hash64Type

const Hash64Size

type HashType

const HashSize

type Reloc

const RelocSize

func (r *Reloc) Off() int32   {}

func (r *Reloc) Siz() uint8   {}

func (r *Reloc) Type() uint16 {}

func (r *Reloc) Add() int64   {}

func (r *Reloc) Sym() SymRef {}

func (r *Reloc) SetOff(x int32)   {}

func (r *Reloc) SetSiz(x uint8)   {}

func (r *Reloc) SetType(x uint16) {}

func (r *Reloc) SetAdd(x int64)   {}

func (r *Reloc) SetSym(x SymRef) {}

func (r *Reloc) Set(off int32, size uint8, typ uint16, add int64, sym SymRef) {}

func (r *Reloc) Write(w *Writer) {}

// for testing
func (r *Reloc) fromBytes(b []byte) {}

type Aux

const AuxSize

const AuxGotype

const AuxFuncInfo

const AuxFuncdata

const AuxDwarfInfo

const AuxDwarfLoc

const AuxDwarfRanges

const AuxDwarfLines

const AuxPcsp

const AuxPcfile

const AuxPcline

const AuxPcinline

const AuxPcdata

const AuxWasmImport

const AuxWasmType

const AuxSehUnwindInfo

func (a *Aux) Type() uint8 {}

func (a *Aux) Sym() SymRef {}

func (a *Aux) SetType(x uint8) {}

func (a *Aux) SetSym(x SymRef) {}

func (a *Aux) Write(w *Writer) {}

// for testing
func (a *Aux) fromBytes(b []byte) {}

type RefFlags

const RefFlagsSize

func (r *RefFlags) Sym() SymRef {}

func (r *RefFlags) Flag() uint8  {}

func (r *RefFlags) Flag2() uint8 {}

func (r *RefFlags) SetSym(x SymRef) {}

func (r *RefFlags) SetFlag(x uint8)  {}

func (r *RefFlags) SetFlag2(x uint8) {}

func (r *RefFlags) Write(w *Writer) {}

const huge

type RefName

const RefNameSize

func (n *RefName) Sym() SymRef {}

func (n *RefName) Name(r *Reader) string {}

func (n *RefName) SetSym(x SymRef) {}

func (n *RefName) SetName(x string, w *Writer) {}

func (n *RefName) Write(w *Writer) {}

type Writer

func NewWriter(wr *bio.Writer) *Writer {}

func (w *Writer) AddString(s string) {}

func (w *Writer) stringOff(s string) uint32 {}

func (w *Writer) StringRef(s string) {}

func (w *Writer) RawString(s string) {}

func (w *Writer) Bytes(s []byte) {}

func (w *Writer) Uint64(x uint64) {}

func (w *Writer) Uint32(x uint32) {}

func (w *Writer) Uint16(x uint16) {}

func (w *Writer) Uint8(x uint8) {}

func (w *Writer) Offset() uint32 {}

type Reader

func NewReaderFromBytes(b []byte, readonly bool) *Reader {}

func (r *Reader) BytesAt(off uint32, len int) []byte {}

func (r *Reader) uint64At(off uint32) uint64 {}

func (r *Reader) int64At(off uint32) int64 {}

func (r *Reader) uint32At(off uint32) uint32 {}

func (r *Reader) int32At(off uint32) int32 {}

func (r *Reader) uint16At(off uint32) uint16 {}

func (r *Reader) uint8At(off uint32) uint8 {}

func (r *Reader) StringAt(off uint32, len uint32) string {}

func toString(b []byte) string {}

func (r *Reader) StringRef(off uint32) string {}

func (r *Reader) Fingerprint() FingerprintType {}

func (r *Reader) Autolib() []ImportedPkg {}

func (r *Reader) Pkglist() []string {}

func (r *Reader) NPkg() int {}

func (r *Reader) Pkg(i int) string {}

func (r *Reader) NFile() int {}

func (r *Reader) File(i int) string {}

func (r *Reader) NSym() int {}

func (r *Reader) NHashed64def() int {}

func (r *Reader) NHasheddef() int {}

func (r *Reader) NNonpkgdef() int {}

func (r *Reader) NNonpkgref() int {}

// SymOff returns the offset of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) SymOff(i uint32) uint32 {}

// Sym returns a pointer to the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) Sym(i uint32) *Sym {}

// NRefFlags returns the number of referenced symbol flags.
func (r *Reader) NRefFlags() int {}

// RefFlags returns a pointer to the i-th referenced symbol flags.
// Note: here i is not a local symbol index, just a counter.
func (r *Reader) RefFlags(i int) *RefFlags {}

// Hash64 returns the i-th short hashed symbol's hash.
// Note: here i is the index of short hashed symbols, not all symbols
// (unlike other accessors).
func (r *Reader) Hash64(i uint32) uint64 {}

// Hash returns a pointer to the i-th hashed symbol's hash.
// Note: here i is the index of hashed symbols, not all symbols
// (unlike other accessors).
func (r *Reader) Hash(i uint32) *HashType {}

// NReloc returns the number of relocations of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) NReloc(i uint32) int {}

// RelocOff returns the offset of the j-th relocation of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) RelocOff(i uint32, j int) uint32 {}

// Reloc returns a pointer to the j-th relocation of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) Reloc(i uint32, j int) *Reloc {}

// Relocs returns a pointer to the relocations of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) Relocs(i uint32) []Reloc {}

// NAux returns the number of aux symbols of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) NAux(i uint32) int {}

// AuxOff returns the offset of the j-th aux symbol of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) AuxOff(i uint32, j int) uint32 {}

// Aux returns a pointer to the j-th aux symbol of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) Aux(i uint32, j int) *Aux {}

// Auxs returns the aux symbols of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) Auxs(i uint32) []Aux {}

// DataOff returns the offset of the i-th symbol's data.
func (r *Reader) DataOff(i uint32) uint32 {}

// DataSize returns the size of the i-th symbol's data.
func (r *Reader) DataSize(i uint32) int {}

// Data returns the i-th symbol's data.
func (r *Reader) Data(i uint32) []byte {}

// DataString returns the i-th symbol's data as a string.
func (r *Reader) DataString(i uint32) string {}

// NRefName returns the number of referenced symbol names.
func (r *Reader) NRefName() int {}

// RefName returns a pointer to the i-th referenced symbol name.
// Note: here i is not a local symbol index, just a counter.
func (r *Reader) RefName(i int) *RefName {}

// ReadOnly returns whether r.BytesAt returns read-only bytes.
func (r *Reader) ReadOnly() bool {}

// Flags returns the flag bits read from the object file header.
func (r *Reader) Flags() uint32 {}

func (r *Reader) Shared() bool       {}

func (r *Reader) FromAssembly() bool {}

func (r *Reader) Unlinkable() bool   {}

func (r *Reader) Std() bool          {}