
type ctxt7

const funcAlign


type Optab

func IsAtomicInstruction(as obj.As) bool {}

var atomicLDADD

var atomicSWP

var atomicCASP

var oprange

var xcmp

const S32

const S64

const Sbit

const LSL0_32

const LSL0_64

func OPDP2(x uint32) uint32 {}

func OPDP3(sf uint32, op54 uint32, op31 uint32, o0 uint32) uint32 {}

func OPBcc(x uint32) uint32 {}

func OPBLR(x uint32) uint32 {}

func SYSOP(l uint32, op0 uint32, op1 uint32, crn uint32, crm uint32, op2 uint32, rt uint32) uint32 {}

func SYSHINT(x uint32) uint32 {}

func LDSTR(sz uint32, v uint32, opc uint32) uint32 {}

func LD2STR(o uint32) uint32 {}

func LDSTX(sz uint32, o2 uint32, l uint32, o1 uint32, o0 uint32) uint32 {}

func FPCMP(m uint32, s uint32, type_ uint32, op uint32, op2 uint32) uint32 {}

func FPCCMP(m uint32, s uint32, type_ uint32, op uint32) uint32 {}

func FPOP1S(m uint32, s uint32, type_ uint32, op uint32) uint32 {}

func FPOP2S(m uint32, s uint32, type_ uint32, op uint32) uint32 {}

func FPOP3S(m uint32, s uint32, type_ uint32, op uint32, op2 uint32) uint32 {}

func FPCVTI(sf uint32, s uint32, type_ uint32, rmode uint32, op uint32) uint32 {}

func ADR(p uint32, o uint32, rt uint32) uint32 {}

func OPBIT(x uint32) uint32 {}

func MOVCONST(d int64, s int, rt int) uint32 {}

const LFROM

const LTO




var optab

var pstatefield

var prfopfield

var sysInstFields

const OP_NOOP

// pcAlignPadLength returns the number of bytes required to align pc to alignedValue,
// reporting an error if alignedValue is not a power of two or is out of range.
func pcAlignPadLength(ctxt *obj.Link, pc int64, alignedValue int64) int {}

// size returns the size of the sequence of machine instructions when p is encoded with o.
// Usually it just returns o.size directly, in some cases it checks whether the optimization
// conditions are met, and if so returns the size of the optimized instruction sequence.
// These optimizations need to be synchronized with the asmout function.
func (o *Optab) size(ctxt *obj.Link, p *obj.Prog) int {}

func span7(ctxt *obj.Link, cursym *obj.LSym, newprog obj.ProgAlloc) {}

type codeBuffer

func (cb *codeBuffer) pc() int64 {}

// Write a sequence of opcodes into the code buffer.
func (cb *codeBuffer) emit(op ...uint32) {}

// Completes the code buffer for the function by padding the buffer to function alignment
// with zero values.
func (cb *codeBuffer) finish() {}

// Return the size of the assembled Prog, in bytes.
func (c *ctxt7) asmsizeBytes(p *obj.Prog) int {}

// Modify the Prog list if the Prog is a branch with a large offset that cannot be
// encoded in the instruction. Return true if a modification was made, false if not.
func (c *ctxt7) fixUpLongBranch(p *obj.Prog) bool {}

// Adds literal values from the Prog into the literal pool if necessary.
func (c *ctxt7) addLiteralsToPool(p *obj.Prog) {}

// isUnsafePoint returns whether p is an unsafe point.
func (c *ctxt7) isUnsafePoint(p *obj.Prog) bool {}

// isRestartable returns whether p is a multi-instruction sequence that,
// if preempted, can be restarted.
func (c *ctxt7) isRestartable(p *obj.Prog) bool {}

 * when the first reference to the literal pool threatens
 * to go out of range of a 1Mb PC-relative offset
 * drop the pool now.
func (c *ctxt7) checkpool(p *obj.Prog) {}

func (c *ctxt7) flushpool(p *obj.Prog) {}

 * MOVD foo(SB), R is actually
 *   MOVD addr, REGTMP
 * where addr is the address of the DWORD containing the address of foo.
 * TODO: hash
func (c *ctxt7) addpool(p *obj.Prog, a *obj.Addr) {}

// roundUp rounds up x to "to".
func roundUp(x, to uint32) uint32 {}

// splitImm24uScaled splits an immediate into a scaled 12 bit unsigned lo value
// and an unscaled shifted 12 bit unsigned hi value. These are typically used
// by adding or subtracting the hi value and using the lo value as the offset
// for a load or store.
func splitImm24uScaled(v int32, shift int) (int32, int32, error) {}

func (c *ctxt7) regoff(a *obj.Addr) int32 {}

func isSTLXRop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isSTXPop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isANDop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isANDWop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isADDop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isADDWop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isADDSop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isNEGop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isLoadStorePairOp(op obj.As) bool {}

func isMOVop(op obj.As) bool {}

func isRegShiftOrExt(a *obj.Addr) bool {}

const maxPCDisp

// ispcdisp reports whether v is a valid PC-relative displacement.
func ispcdisp(v int32) bool {}

func isaddcon(v int64) bool {}

func isaddcon2(v int64) bool {}

// isbitcon reports whether a constant can be encoded into a logical instruction.
// bitcon has a binary form of repetition of a bit sequence of length 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64,
// which itself is a rotate (w.r.t. the length of the unit) of a sequence of ones.
// special cases: 0 and -1 are not bitcon.
// this function needs to run against virtually all the constants, so it needs to be fast.
// for this reason, bitcon testing and bitcon encoding are separate functions.
func isbitcon(x uint64) bool {}

// sequenceOfOnes tests whether a constant is a sequence of ones in binary, with leading and trailing zeros.
func sequenceOfOnes(x uint64) bool {}

// bitconEncode returns the encoding of a bitcon used in logical instructions
// x is known to be a bitcon
// a bitcon is a sequence of n ones at low bits (i.e. 1<<n-1), right rotated
// by R bits, and repeated with period of 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, or 2.
// it is encoded in logical instructions with 3 bitfields
// N (1 bit) : R (6 bits) : S (6 bits), where
// N=1           -- period=64
// N=0, S=0xxxxx -- period=32
// N=0, S=10xxxx -- period=16
// N=0, S=110xxx -- period=8
// N=0, S=1110xx -- period=4
// N=0, S=11110x -- period=2
// R is the shift amount, low bits of S = n-1
func bitconEncode(x uint64, mode int) uint32 {}

func log2(x uint64) uint32 {}

func autoclass(l int64) int {}

func oregclass(l int64) int {}

 * given an offset v and a class c (see above)
 * return the offset value to use in the instruction,
 * scaled if necessary
func (c *ctxt7) offsetshift(p *obj.Prog, v int64, cls int) int64 {}

 * if v contains a single 16-bit value aligned
 * on a 16-bit field, and thus suitable for movk/movn,
 * return the field index 0 to 3; otherwise return -1.
func movcon(v int64) int {}

func rclass(r int16) int {}

// con32class reclassifies the constant of 32-bit instruction. Because the constant type is 32-bit,
// but saved in Offset which type is int64, con32class treats it as uint32 type and reclassifies it.
func (c *ctxt7) con32class(a *obj.Addr) int {}

// con64class reclassifies the constant of C_VCON and C_LCON class.
func (c *ctxt7) con64class(a *obj.Addr) int {}

// loadStoreClass reclassifies a load or store operation based on its offset.
func (c *ctxt7) loadStoreClass(p *obj.Prog, lsc int, v int64) int {}

// loadStorePairClass reclassifies a load or store pair operation based on its offset.
func (c *ctxt7) loadStorePairClass(p *obj.Prog, lsc int, v int64) int {}

func (c *ctxt7) aclass(a *obj.Addr) int {}

func (c *ctxt7) oplook(p *obj.Prog) *Optab {}

func cmp(a int, b int) bool {}

func ocmp(p1, p2 Optab) int {}

func oprangeset(a obj.As, t []Optab) {}

func buildop(ctxt *obj.Link) {}

// chipfloat7() checks if the immediate constants available in  FMOVS/FMOVD instructions.
// For details of the range of constants available, see
// http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.dui0473m/dom1359731199385.html.
func (c *ctxt7) chipfloat7(e float64) int {}

/* form offset parameter to SYS; special register number */
func SYSARG5(op0 int, op1 int, Cn int, Cm int, op2 int) int {}

func SYSARG4(op1 int, Cn int, Cm int, op2 int) int {}

// checkUnpredictable checks if the source and transfer registers are the same register.
// ARM64 manual says it is "constrained unpredictable" if the src and dst registers of STP/LDP are same.
func (c *ctxt7) checkUnpredictable(p *obj.Prog, isload bool, wback bool, rn int16, rt1 int16, rt2 int16) {}

/* checkindex checks if index >= 0 && index <= maxindex */
func (c *ctxt7) checkindex(p *obj.Prog, index, maxindex int) {}

/* checkoffset checks whether the immediate offset is valid for VLD[1-4].P and VST[1-4].P */
func (c *ctxt7) checkoffset(p *obj.Prog, as obj.As) {}

/* checkShiftAmount checks whether the index shift amount is valid */
/* for load with register offset instructions */
func (c *ctxt7) checkShiftAmount(p *obj.Prog, a *obj.Addr) {}

func (c *ctxt7) asmout(p *obj.Prog, out []uint32) (count int) {}

func (c *ctxt7) addrRelocType(p *obj.Prog) objabi.RelocType {}

 * basic Rm op Rn -> Rd (using shifted register with 0)
 * also op Rn -> Rt
 * also Rm*Rn op Ra -> Rd
 * also Vm op Vn -> Vd
func (c *ctxt7) oprrr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

 * imm -> Rd
 * imm op Rn -> Rd
func (c *ctxt7) opirr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) opbit(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

 * add/subtract sign or zero-extended register
func (c *ctxt7) opxrrr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As, rd, rn, rm int16, extend bool) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) opimm(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) brdist(p *obj.Prog, preshift int, flen int, shift int) int64 {}

 * pc-relative branches
func (c *ctxt7) opbra(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) opbrr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) op0(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

 * register offset
func (c *ctxt7) opload(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) opstore(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

 * load/store register (scaled 12-bit unsigned immediate) C3.3.13
 *	these produce 64-bit values (when there's an option)
func (c *ctxt7) olsr12u(p *obj.Prog, o uint32, v int32, rn, rt int16) uint32 {}

 * load/store register (unscaled 9-bit signed immediate) C3.3.12
func (c *ctxt7) olsr9s(p *obj.Prog, o uint32, v int32, rn, rt int16) uint32 {}

// store(immediate)
// scaled 12-bit unsigned immediate offset.
// unscaled 9-bit signed immediate offset.
// pre/post-indexed store.
// and the 12-bit and 9-bit are distinguished in olsr12u and oslr9s.
func (c *ctxt7) opstr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

// load(immediate)
// scaled 12-bit unsigned immediate offset.
// unscaled 9-bit signed immediate offset.
// pre/post-indexed load.
// and the 12-bit and 9-bit are distinguished in olsr12u and oslr9s.
func (c *ctxt7) opldr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As) uint32 {}

// olsxrr attaches register operands to a load/store opcode supplied in o.
// The result either encodes a load of r from (r1+r2) or a store of r to (r1+r2).
func (c *ctxt7) olsxrr(p *obj.Prog, o int32, r int, r1 int, r2 int) uint32 {}

// opldrr returns the ARM64 opcode encoding corresponding to the obj.As opcode
// for load instruction with register offset.
// The offset register can be (Rn)(Rm.UXTW<<2) or (Rn)(Rm<<2) or (Rn)(Rm).
func (c *ctxt7) opldrr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As, extension bool) uint32 {}

// opstrr returns the ARM64 opcode encoding corresponding to the obj.As opcode
// for store instruction with register offset.
// The offset register can be (Rn)(Rm.UXTW<<2) or (Rn)(Rm<<2) or (Rn)(Rm).
func (c *ctxt7) opstrr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As, extension bool) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) oaddi(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As, v int32, rd, rn int16) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) oaddi12(p *obj.Prog, v int32, rd, rn int16) uint32 {}

 * load a literal value into dr
func (c *ctxt7) omovlit(as obj.As, p *obj.Prog, a *obj.Addr, dr int) uint32 {}

// load a constant (MOVCON or BITCON) in a into rt
func (c *ctxt7) omovconst(as obj.As, p *obj.Prog, a *obj.Addr, rt int) (o1 uint32) {}

// load a 32-bit/64-bit large constant (LCON or VCON) in a.Offset into rt
// put the instruction sequence in os and return the number of instructions.
func (c *ctxt7) omovlconst(as obj.As, p *obj.Prog, a *obj.Addr, rt int, os []uint32) (num uint8) {}

func (c *ctxt7) opbfm(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As, r, s int64, rf, rt int16) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) opextr(p *obj.Prog, a obj.As, v int64, rn, rm, rt int16) uint32 {}

/* generate instruction encoding for ldp and stp series */
func (c *ctxt7) opldpstp(p *obj.Prog, o *Optab, vo int32, rbase, rl, rh int16, ldp uint32) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt7) maskOpvldvst(p *obj.Prog, o1 uint32) uint32 {}

 * size in log2(bytes)
func movesize(a obj.As) int {}

// rm is the Rm register value, o is the extension, amount is the left shift value.
func roff(rm int16, o uint32, amount int16) uint32 {}

// encRegShiftOrExt returns the encoding of shifted/extended register, Rx<<n and Rx.UXTW<<n, etc.
func (c *ctxt7) encRegShiftOrExt(p *obj.Prog, a *obj.Addr, r int16) uint32 {}

// pack returns the encoding of the "Q" field and two arrangement specifiers.
func pack(q uint32, arngA, arngB uint8) uint32 {}