
type InlTree

type InlinedCall

// Add adds a new call to the tree, returning its index.
func (tree *InlTree) Add(parent int, pos src.XPos, func_ *LSym, name string) int {}

// AllParents invokes do on each InlinedCall in the inlining call
// stack, from outermost to innermost.
// That is, if inlIndex corresponds to f inlining g inlining h,
// AllParents invokes do with the call for inlining g into f, and then
// inlining h into g.
func (tree *InlTree) AllParents(inlIndex int, do func(InlinedCall)) {}

func (tree *InlTree) Parent(inlIndex int) int {}

func (tree *InlTree) InlinedFunction(inlIndex int) *LSym {}

func (tree *InlTree) CallPos(inlIndex int) src.XPos {}

func (tree *InlTree) setParentPC(inlIndex int, pc int32) {}

// OutermostPos returns the outermost position corresponding to xpos,
// which is where xpos was ultimately inlined to. In the example for
// InlTree, main() contains inlined AST nodes from h(), but the
// outermost position for those nodes is line 2.
func (ctxt *Link) OutermostPos(xpos src.XPos) src.Pos {}

// InnermostPos returns the innermost position corresponding to xpos,
// that is, the code that is inlined and that inlines nothing else.
// In the example for InlTree above, the code for println within h
// would have an innermost position with line number 12, whether
// h was not inlined, inlined into g, g-then-f, or g-then-f-then-main.
// This corresponds to what someone debugging main, f, g, or h might
// expect to see while single-stepping.
func (ctxt *Link) InnermostPos(xpos src.XPos) src.Pos {}

// AllPos invokes do with every position in the inlining call stack for xpos,
// from outermost to innermost. That is, xpos corresponds to f inlining g inlining h,
// AllPos invokes do with the position in f, then the position in g, then the position in h.
func (ctxt *Link) AllPos(xpos src.XPos, do func(src.Pos)) {}

func dumpInlTree(ctxt *Link, tree InlTree) {}