
type ctxt0

const mips64FuncAlign

const r0iszero

type Optab


var optab

var oprange

var xcmp

func span0(ctxt *obj.Link, cursym *obj.LSym, newprog obj.ProgAlloc) {}

// isUnsafePoint returns whether p is an unsafe point.
func (c *ctxt0) isUnsafePoint(p *obj.Prog) bool {}

// isRestartable returns whether p is a multi-instruction sequence that,
// if preempted, can be restarted.
func (c *ctxt0) isRestartable(p *obj.Prog) bool {}

func isint32(v int64) bool {}

func isuint32(v uint64) bool {}

func (c *ctxt0) aclass(a *obj.Addr) int {}

func prasm(p *obj.Prog) {}

func (c *ctxt0) oplook(p *obj.Prog) *Optab {}

func cmp(a int, b int) bool {}

func ocmp(p1, p2 Optab) int {}

func opset(a, b0 obj.As) {}

func buildop(ctxt *obj.Link) {}

func OP(x uint32, y uint32) uint32 {}

func SP(x uint32, y uint32) uint32 {}

func BCOND(x uint32, y uint32) uint32 {}

func MMU(x uint32, y uint32) uint32 {}

func FPF(x uint32, y uint32) uint32 {}

func FPD(x uint32, y uint32) uint32 {}

func FPW(x uint32, y uint32) uint32 {}

func FPV(x uint32, y uint32) uint32 {}

func OP_RRR(op uint32, r1 int16, r2 int16, r3 int16) uint32 {}

func OP_IRR(op uint32, i uint32, r2 int16, r3 int16) uint32 {}

func OP_SRR(op uint32, s uint32, r2 int16, r3 int16) uint32 {}

func OP_FRRR(op uint32, r1 int16, r2 int16, r3 int16) uint32 {}

func OP_JMP(op uint32, i uint32) uint32 {}

func OP_VI10(op uint32, df uint32, s10 int32, wd uint32, minor uint32) uint32 {}

func OP_VMI10(s10 int32, rs uint32, wd uint32, minor uint32, df uint32) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt0) asmout(p *obj.Prog, o *Optab, out []uint32) {}

func (c *ctxt0) vregoff(a *obj.Addr) int64 {}

func (c *ctxt0) regoff(a *obj.Addr) int32 {}

func (c *ctxt0) oprrr(a obj.As) uint32 {}

func (c *ctxt0) opirr(a obj.As) uint32 {}

func vshift(a obj.As) bool {}

// MSA Two-bit Data Format Field Encoding
func (c *ctxt0) twobitdf(a obj.As) uint32 {}

// MSA Load/Store offset have to be multiple of size of data format
func (c *ctxt0) lsoffset(a obj.As, o int32) int32 {}