
type CCMask

const Never

const Equal

const Less

const Greater

const Unordered

const EqualOrUnordered

const LessOrEqual

const LessOrGreater

const LessOrUnordered

const GreaterOrEqual

const GreaterOrUnordered

const NotEqual

const NotLess

const NotGreater

const NotUnordered

const Always

const Carry

const NoCarry

const Borrow

const NoBorrow

// Inverse returns the complement of the condition code mask.
func (c CCMask) Inverse() CCMask {}

// ReverseComparison swaps the bits at 0b0100 and 0b0010 in the mask,
// reversing the behavior of greater than and less than conditions.
func (c CCMask) ReverseComparison() CCMask {}

func (c CCMask) String() string {}

func (CCMask) CanBeAnSSAAux() {}