
type RotateParams

// NewRotateParams creates a set of parameters representing a
// rotation left by the amount provided and a selection of the bits
// between the provided start and end indexes (inclusive).
// The start and end indexes and the rotation amount must all
// be in the range 0-63 inclusive or this function will panic.
func NewRotateParams(start, end, amount uint8) RotateParams {}

// RotateLeft generates a new set of parameters with the rotation amount
// increased by the given value. The selected bits are left unchanged.
func (r RotateParams) RotateLeft(amount uint8) RotateParams {}

// OutMask provides a mask representing the selected bits.
func (r RotateParams) OutMask() uint64 {}

// InMask provides a mask representing the selected bits relative
// to the source value (i.e. pre-rotation).
func (r RotateParams) InMask() uint64 {}

// OutMerge tries to generate a new set of parameters representing
// the intersection between the selected bits and the provided mask.
// If the intersection is unrepresentable (0 or not contiguous) nil
// will be returned.
func (r RotateParams) OutMerge(mask uint64) *RotateParams {}

// InMerge tries to generate a new set of parameters representing
// the intersection between the selected bits and the provided mask
// as applied to the source value (i.e. pre-rotation).
// If the intersection is unrepresentable (0 or not contiguous) nil
// will be returned.
func (r RotateParams) InMerge(mask uint64) *RotateParams {}

func (RotateParams) CanBeAnSSAAux() {}