
type evexBits

// newEVEXBits creates evexBits object from enc bytes at z position.
func newEVEXBits(z int, enc *opBytes) evexBits {}

// P returns EVEX.pp value.
func (evex evexBits) P() byte {}

// L returns EVEX.L'L value.
func (evex evexBits) L() byte {}

// M returns EVEX.mm value.
func (evex evexBits) M() byte {}

// W returns EVEX.W value.
func (evex evexBits) W() byte {}

// BroadcastEnabled reports whether BCST suffix is permitted.
func (evex evexBits) BroadcastEnabled() bool {}

// ZeroingEnabled reports whether Z suffix is permitted.
func (evex evexBits) ZeroingEnabled() bool {}

// RoundingEnabled reports whether RN_SAE, RZ_SAE, RD_SAE and RU_SAE suffixes
// are permitted.
func (evex evexBits) RoundingEnabled() bool {}

// SaeEnabled reports whether SAE suffix is permitted.
func (evex evexBits) SaeEnabled() bool {}

// DispMultiplier returns displacement multiplier that is calculated
// based on tuple type, EVEX.W and input size.
// If embedded broadcast is used, bcst should be true.
func (evex evexBits) DispMultiplier(bcst bool) int32 {}

const evexW

const evexWIG

const evexW0

const evexW1

const evexM

const evex0F

const evex0F38

const evex0F3A

const evexL

const evexLIG

const evex128

const evex256

const evex512

const evexP

const evex66

const evexF3

const evexF2

const evexN

const evexN1

const evexN2

const evexN4

const evexN8

const evexN16

const evexN32

const evexN64

const evexN128

const evexBcst

const evexBcstN4

const evexBcstN8

const evexZeroing

const evexZeroingEnabled

const evexRounding

const evexRoundingEnabled

const evexSae

const evexSaeEnabled

// compressedDisp8 calculates EVEX compressed displacement, if applicable.
func compressedDisp8(disp, elemSize int32) (disp8 byte, ok bool) {}

// evexZcase reports whether given Z-case belongs to EVEX group.
func evexZcase(zcase uint8) bool {}

type evexSuffix

const rcRNSAE

const rcRDSAE

const rcRUSAE

const rcRZSAE

const rcUnset

// newEVEXSuffix returns proper zero value for evexSuffix.
func newEVEXSuffix() evexSuffix {}

var evexSuffixMap

func init() {}

// toDisp8 tries to convert disp to proper 8-bit displacement value.
func toDisp8(disp int32, p *obj.Prog, asmbuf *AsmBuf) (disp8 byte, ok bool) {}

// EncodeRegisterRange packs [reg0-reg1] list into 64-bit value that
// is intended to be stored inside obj.Addr.Offset with TYPE_REGLIST.
func EncodeRegisterRange(reg0, reg1 int16) int64 {}

// decodeRegisterRange unpacks [reg0-reg1] list from 64-bit value created by EncodeRegisterRange.
func decodeRegisterRange(list int64) (reg0, reg1 int) {}

// ParseSuffix handles the special suffix for the 386/AMD64.
// Suffix bits are stored into p.Scond.
// Leading "." in cond is ignored.
func ParseSuffix(p *obj.Prog, cond string) error {}

// inferSuffixError returns non-nil error that describes what could be
// the cause of suffix parse failure.
// At the point this function is executed there is already assembly error,
// so we can burn some clocks to construct good error message.
// Reported issues:
//   - duplicated suffixes
//   - illegal rounding/SAE+broadcast combinations
//   - unknown suffixes
//   - misplaced suffix (e.g. wrong Z suffix position)
func inferSuffixError(cond string) error {}

var opSuffixTable

type opSuffix

const badOpSuffix

// newOpSuffix returns opSuffix object that matches suffixes string.
// If no matching suffix is found, special "invalid" suffix is returned.
// Use IsValid method to check against this case.
func newOpSuffix(suffixes string) opSuffix {}

// IsValid reports whether suffix is valid.
// Empty suffixes are valid.
func (suffix opSuffix) IsValid() bool {}

// String returns suffix printed representation.
// It matches the string that was used to create suffix with NewX86Suffix()
// for valid suffixes.
// For all invalid suffixes, special marker is returned.
func (suffix opSuffix) String() string {}