
func Flagcount(name, usage string, val *int) {}

func Flagfn1(name, usage string, f func(string)) {}

func Flagprint(w io.Writer) {}

func Flagparse(usage func()) {}

// expandArgs expands "response files" arguments in the provided slice.
// A "response file" argument starts with '@' and the rest of that
// argument is a filename with CR-or-CRLF-separated arguments. Each
// argument in the named files can also contain response file
// arguments. See Issue 18468.
// The returned slice 'out' aliases 'in' iff the input did not contain
// any response file arguments.
// TODO: handle relative paths of recursive expansions in different directories?
// Is there a spec for this? Are relative paths allowed?
func expandArgs(in []string) (out []string) {}

func AddVersionFlag() {}

var buildID

type versionFlag

func (versionFlag) IsBoolFlag() bool {}

func (versionFlag) Get() interface{}

func (versionFlag) String() string   {}

func (versionFlag) Set(s string) error {}

type count

func (c *count) String() string {}

func (c *count) Set(s string) error {}

func (c *count) Get() interface{}

func (c *count) IsBoolFlag() bool {}

func (c *count) IsCountFlag() bool {}

type fn1

func (f fn1) Set(s string) error {}

func (f fn1) String() string {}

// DecodeArg decodes an argument.
// This function is public for testing with the parallel encoder.
func DecodeArg(arg string) string {}

type debugField

type DebugFlag

type DebugSSA

// NewDebugFlag constructs a DebugFlag for the fields of debug, which
// must be a pointer to a struct.
// Each field of *debug is a different value, named for the lower-case of the field name.
// Each field must be an int or string and must have a `help` struct tag.
// There may be an "Any bool" field, which will be set if any debug flags are set.
// The returned flag takes a comma-separated list of settings.
// Each setting is name=value; for ints, name is short for name=1.
// If debugSSA is non-nil, any debug flags of the form ssa/... will be
// passed to debugSSA for processing.
func NewDebugFlag(debug interface{}

func (f *DebugFlag) Set(debugstr string) error {}

const debugHelpHeader

func (f *DebugFlag) String() string {}