
// WorkingDir returns the current working directory
// (or "/???" if the directory cannot be identified),
// with "/" as separator.
func WorkingDir() string {}

// AbsFile returns the absolute filename for file in the given directory,
// as rewritten by the rewrites argument.
// For unrewritten paths, AbsFile rewrites a leading $GOROOT prefix to the literal "$GOROOT".
// If the resulting path is the empty string, the result is "??".
// The rewrites argument is a ;-separated list of rewrites.
// Each rewrite is of the form "prefix" or "prefix=>replace",
// where prefix must match a leading sequence of path elements
// and is either removed entirely or replaced by the replacement.
func AbsFile(dir, file, rewrites string) string {}

// ApplyRewrites returns the filename for file in the given directory,
// as rewritten by the rewrites argument.
// The rewrites argument is a ;-separated list of rewrites.
// Each rewrite is of the form "prefix" or "prefix=>replace",
// where prefix must match a leading sequence of path elements
// and is either removed entirely or replaced by the replacement.
func ApplyRewrites(file, rewrites string) (string, bool) {}

// applyRewrite applies the rewrite to the path,
// returning the rewritten path and a boolean
// indicating whether the rewrite applied at all.
func applyRewrite(path, rewrite string) (string, bool) {}

// Does s have t as a path prefix?
// That is, does s == t or does s begin with t followed by a slash?
// For portability, we allow ASCII case folding, so that hasPathPrefix("a/b/c", "A/B") is true.
// Similarly, we allow slash folding, so that hasPathPrefix("a/b/c", "a\\b") is true.
// We do not allow full Unicode case folding, for fear of causing more confusion
// or harm than good. (For an example of the kinds of things that can go wrong,
// see http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/1853266.)
func hasPathPrefix(s string, t string) bool {}