
type Disasm

// Disasm returns a disassembler for the file f.
func (e *Entry) Disasm() (*Disasm, error) {}

// lookup finds the symbol name containing addr.
func (d *Disasm) lookup(addr uint64) (name string, base uint64) {}

// base returns the final element in the path.
// It works on both Windows and Unix paths,
// regardless of host operating system.
func base(path string) string {}

type CachedFile

type FileCache

// NewFileCache returns a FileCache which can contain up to maxLen cached file contents.
func NewFileCache(maxLen int) *FileCache {}

// Line returns the source code line for the given file and line number.
// If the file is not already cached, reads it, inserts it into the cache,
// and removes the least recently used file if necessary.
// If the file is in cache, it is moved to the front of the list.
func (fc *FileCache) Line(filename string, line int) ([]byte, error) {}

// Print prints a disassembly of the file to w.
// If filter is non-nil, the disassembly only includes functions with names matching filter.
// If printCode is true, the disassembly includs corresponding source lines.
// The disassembly only includes functions that overlap the range [start, end).
func (d *Disasm) Print(w io.Writer, filter *regexp.Regexp, start, end uint64, printCode bool, gnuAsm bool) {}

// Decode disassembles the text segment range [start, end), calling f for each instruction.
func (d *Disasm) Decode(start, end uint64, relocs []Reloc, gnuAsm bool, f func(pc, size uint64, file string, line int, text string)) {}

type lookupFunc

type disasmFunc

func disasm_386(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, _ binary.ByteOrder, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

func disasm_amd64(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, _ binary.ByteOrder, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

func disasm_x86(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, arch int, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

type textReader

func (r textReader) ReadAt(data []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) {}

func disasm_arm(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, _ binary.ByteOrder, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

func disasm_arm64(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, byteOrder binary.ByteOrder, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

func disasm_loong64(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, byteOrder binary.ByteOrder, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

func disasm_ppc64(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, byteOrder binary.ByteOrder, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

func disasm_riscv64(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, byteOrder binary.ByteOrder, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

func disasm_s390x(code []byte, pc uint64, lookup lookupFunc, _ binary.ByteOrder, gnuAsm bool) (string, int) {}

var disasms

var byteOrders

type Liner