
type Work

func (w *Work[T]) init() {}

// Add adds item to the work set, if it hasn't already been added.
func (w *Work[T]) Add(item T) {}

// Do runs f in parallel on items from the work set,
// with at most n invocations of f running at a time.
// It returns when everything added to the work set has been processed.
// At least one item should have been added to the work set
// before calling Do (or else Do returns immediately),
// but it is allowed for f(item) to add new items to the set.
// Do should only be used once on a given Work.
func (w *Work[T]) Do(n int, f func(item T)) {}

// runner executes work in w until both nothing is left to do
// and all the runners are waiting for work.
// (Then all the runners return.)
func (w *Work[T]) runner() {}

type ErrCache

type errValue

func (c *ErrCache[K, V]) Do(key K, f func() (V, error)) (V, error) {}

var ErrCacheEntryNotFound

// Get returns the cached result associated with key.
// It returns ErrCacheEntryNotFound if there is no such result.
func (c *ErrCache[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, error) {}

type Cache

type cacheEntry

// Do calls the function f if and only if Do is being called for the first time with this key.
// No call to Do with a given key returns until the one call to f returns.
// Do returns the value returned by the one call to f.
func (c *Cache[K, V]) Do(key K, f func() V) V {}

// Get returns the cached result associated with key
// and reports whether there is such a result.
// If the result for key is being computed, Get does not wait for the computation to finish.
func (c *Cache[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, bool) {}