
// DefaultCmds returns a set of broadly useful script commands.
// Run the 'help' command within a script engine to view a list of the available
// commands.
func DefaultCmds() map[string]Cmd {}

// Command returns a new Cmd with a Usage method that returns a copy of the
// given CmdUsage and a Run method calls the given function.
func Command(usage CmdUsage, run func(*State, ...string) (WaitFunc, error)) Cmd {}

type funcCmd

func (c *funcCmd) Run(s *State, args ...string) (WaitFunc, error) {}

func (c *funcCmd) Usage() *CmdUsage {}

// firstNonFlag returns a slice containing the index of the first argument in
// rawArgs that is not a flag, or nil if all arguments are flags.
func firstNonFlag(rawArgs ...string) []int {}

// Cat writes the concatenated contents of the named file(s) to the script's
// stdout buffer.
func Cat() Cmd {}

// Cd changes the current working directory.
func Cd() Cmd {}

// Chmod changes the permissions of a file or a directory..
func Chmod() Cmd {}

// Cmp compares the contents of two files, or the contents of either the
// "stdout" or "stderr" buffer and a file, returning a non-nil error if the
// contents differ.
func Cmp() Cmd {}

// Cmpenv is like Compare, but also performs environment substitutions
// on the contents of both arguments.
func Cmpenv() Cmd {}

func doCompare(s *State, env bool, args ...string) error {}

// Cp copies one or more files to a new location.
func Cp() Cmd {}

// Echo writes its arguments to stdout, followed by a newline.
func Echo() Cmd {}

// Env sets or logs the values of environment variables.
// With no arguments, Env reports all variables in the environment.
// "key=value" arguments set variables, and arguments without "="
// cause the corresponding value to be printed to the stdout buffer.
func Env() Cmd {}

// Exec runs an arbitrary executable as a subprocess.
// When the Script's context is canceled, Exec sends the interrupt signal, then
// waits for up to the given delay for the subprocess to flush output before
// terminating it with os.Kill.
func Exec(cancel func(*exec.Cmd) error, waitDelay time.Duration) Cmd {}

func startCommand(s *State, name, path string, args []string, cancel func(*exec.Cmd) error, waitDelay time.Duration) (WaitFunc, error) {}

// lookPath is (roughly) like exec.LookPath, but it uses the script's current
// PATH to find the executable.
func lookPath(s *State, command string) (string, error) {}

// pathEnvName returns the platform-specific variable used by os/exec.LookPath
// to look up executable names (either "PATH" or "path").
// TODO(bcmills): Investigate whether we can instead use PATH uniformly and
// rewrite it to $path when executing subprocesses.
func pathEnvName() string {}

// Exists checks that the named file(s) exist.
func Exists() Cmd {}

// Grep checks that file content matches a regexp.
// Like stdout/stderr and unlike Unix grep, it accepts Go regexp syntax.
// Grep does not modify the State's stdout or stderr buffers.
// (Its output goes to the script log, not stdout.)
func Grep() Cmd {}

const matchUsage

// match implements the Grep, Stdout, and Stderr commands.
func match(s *State, args []string, text, name string) error {}

// Help writes command documentation to the script log.
func Help() Cmd {}

// Mkdir creates a directory and any needed parent directories.
func Mkdir() Cmd {}

// Mv renames an existing file or directory to a new path.
func Mv() Cmd {}

// Program returns a new command that runs the named program, found from the
// host process's PATH (not looked up in the script's PATH).
func Program(name string, cancel func(*exec.Cmd) error, waitDelay time.Duration) Cmd {}

// Replace replaces all occurrences of a string in a file with another string.
func Replace() Cmd {}

// Rm removes a file or directory.
// If a directory, Rm also recursively removes that directory's
// contents.
func Rm() Cmd {}

// removeAll removes dir and all files and directories it contains.
// Unlike os.RemoveAll, removeAll attempts to make the directories writable if
// needed in order to remove their contents.
func removeAll(dir string) error {}

// Sleep sleeps for the given Go duration or until the script's context is
// canceled, whichever happens first.
func Sleep() Cmd {}

// Stderr searches for a regular expression in the stderr buffer.
func Stderr() Cmd {}

// Stdout searches for a regular expression in the stdout buffer.
func Stdout() Cmd {}

// Stop returns a sentinel error that causes script execution to halt
// and s.Execute to return with a nil error.
func Stop() Cmd {}

type stopError

func (s stopError) Error() string {}

// Symlink creates a symbolic link.
func Symlink() Cmd {}

// Wait waits for the completion of background commands.
// When Wait returns, the stdout and stderr buffers contain the concatenation of
// the background commands' respective outputs in the order in which those
// commands were started.
func Wait() Cmd {}

type waitError

func (w waitError) Error() string {}

func (w waitError) Unwrap() error {}