
type Engine

// NewEngine returns an Engine configured with a basic set of commands and conditions.
func NewEngine() *Engine {}

type Cmd

type WaitFunc

type CmdUsage

type Cond

type CondUsage

// Execute reads and executes script, writing the output to log.
// Execute stops and returns an error at the first command that does not succeed.
// The returned error's text begins with "file:line: ".
// If the script runs to completion or ends by a 'stop' command,
// Execute returns nil.
// Execute does not stop background commands started by the script
// before returning. To stop those, use [State.CloseAndWait] or the
// [Wait] command.
func (e *Engine) Execute(s *State, file string, script *bufio.Reader, log io.Writer) (err error) {}

type command

type expectedStatus

const success

const failure

const successOrFailure

type argFragment

type condition

const argSepChars

// parse parses a single line as a list of space-separated arguments.
// subject to environment variable expansion (but not resplitting).
// Single quotes around text disable splitting and expansion.
// To embed a single quote, double it:
//	'Don''t communicate by sharing memory.'
func parse(filename string, lineno int, line string) (cmd *command, err error) {}

// expandArgs expands the shell variables in rawArgs and joins them to form the
// final arguments to pass to a command.
func expandArgs(s *State, rawArgs [][]argFragment, regexpArgs []int) []string {}

// quoteArgs returns a string that parse would parse as args when passed to a command.
// TODO(bcmills): This function should have a fuzz test.
func quoteArgs(args []string) string {}

func (e *Engine) conditionsActive(s *State, conds []condition) (bool, error) {}

func (e *Engine) runCommand(s *State, cmd *command, impl Cmd) error {}

func checkStatus(cmd *command, err error) error {}

// ListCmds prints to w a list of the named commands,
// annotating each with its arguments and a short usage summary.
// If verbose is true, ListCmds prints full details for each command.
// Each of the name arguments should be a command name.
// If no names are passed as arguments, ListCmds lists all the
// commands registered in e.
func (e *Engine) ListCmds(w io.Writer, verbose bool, names ...string) error {}

func wrapLine(w io.Writer, line string, cols int, indent string) error {}

// ListConds prints to w a list of conditions, one per line,
// annotating each with a description and whether the condition
// is true in the state s (if s is non-nil).
// Each of the tag arguments should be a condition string of
// the form "name" or "name:suffix". If no tags are passed as
// arguments, ListConds lists all conditions registered in
// the engine e.
func (e *Engine) ListConds(w io.Writer, s *State, tags ...string) error {}