
// AddToolChainConditions accepts a script.Cond map and adds into it a
// set of commonly used conditions for doing toolchains testing,
// including whether the platform supports cgo, a buildmode condition,
// support for GOEXPERIMENT testing, etc. Callers must also pass in
// current GOHOSTOOS/GOHOSTARCH settings, since some of the conditions
// introduced can be influenced by them.
func AddToolChainScriptConditions(t *testing.T, conds map[string]script.Cond, goHostOS, goHostArch string) {}

func sysCondition(flag string, f func(goos, goarch string) bool, needsCgo bool, goHostOS, goHostArch string) script.Cond {}

func hasBuildmode(s *script.State, mode string) (bool, error) {}

func cgoLinkExt(s *script.State) (bool, error) {}

func mustLinkExt(s *script.State) (bool, error) {}

func pieLinkExt(s *script.State) (bool, error) {}

func hasGodebug(s *script.State, value string) (bool, error) {}

func hasGoexperiment(s *script.State, value string) (bool, error) {}