
type ToolReplacement

// RunToolScriptTest kicks off a set of script tests runs for
// a tool of some sort (compiler, linker, etc). The expectation
// is that we'll be called from the top level cmd/X dir for tool X,
// and that instead of executing the install tool X we'll use the
// test binary instead.
func RunToolScriptTest(t *testing.T, repls []ToolReplacement, scriptsdir string, fixReadme bool) {}

// RunTests kicks off one or more script-based tests using the
// specified engine, running all test files that match pattern.
// This function adapted from Russ's rsc.io/script/scripttest#Run
// function, which was in turn forked off cmd/go's runner.
func RunTests(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, engine *script.Engine, env []string, pattern string) {}

func initScriptDirs(t testing.TB, s *script.State) {}

func tempEnvName() string {}

// scriptCC runs the platform C compiler.
func scriptCC(cmdExec script.Cmd, ccexe string) script.Cmd {}