
// DefaultCmds returns a set of broadly useful script commands.
// This set includes all of the commands in script.DefaultCmds,
// as well as a "skip" command that halts the script and causes the
// testing.TB passed to Run to be skipped.
func DefaultCmds() map[string]script.Cmd {}

// DefaultConds returns a set of broadly useful script conditions.
// This set includes all of the conditions in script.DefaultConds,
// as well as:
//   - Conditions of the form "exec:foo" are active when the executable "foo" is
//     found in the test process's PATH, and inactive when the executable is
//     not found.
//   - "short" is active when testing.Short() is true.
//   - "verbose" is active when testing.Verbose() is true.
func DefaultConds() map[string]script.Cond {}

// Run runs the script from the given filename starting at the given initial state.
// When the script completes, Run closes the state.
func Run(t testing.TB, e *script.Engine, s *script.State, filename string, testScript io.Reader) {}

// Skip returns a sentinel error that causes Run to mark the test as skipped.
func Skip() script.Cmd {}

type skipError

func (s skipError) Error() string {}

// CachedExec returns a Condition that reports whether the PATH of the test
// binary itself (not the script's current environment) contains the named
// executable.
func CachedExec() script.Cond {}