
type Pos

var NoPos

// MakePos creates a new Pos value with the given base, and (file-absolute)
// line and column.
func MakePos(base *PosBase, line, col uint) Pos {}

// IsKnown reports whether the position p is known.
// A position is known if it either has a non-nil
// position base, or a non-zero line number.
func (p Pos) IsKnown() bool {}

// Before reports whether the position p comes before q in the source.
// For positions in different files, ordering is by filename.
func (p Pos) Before(q Pos) bool {}

// After reports whether the position p comes after q in the source.
// For positions in different files, ordering is by filename.
func (p Pos) After(q Pos) bool {}

func (p Pos) LineNumber() string {}

func (p Pos) LineNumberHTML() string {}

// Filename returns the name of the actual file containing this position.
func (p Pos) Filename() string {}

// Base returns the position base.
func (p Pos) Base() *PosBase {}

// SetBase sets the position base.
func (p *Pos) SetBase(base *PosBase) {}

// RelFilename returns the filename recorded with the position's base.
func (p Pos) RelFilename() string {}

// RelLine returns the line number relative to the position's base.
func (p Pos) RelLine() uint {}

// RelCol returns the column number relative to the position's base.
func (p Pos) RelCol() uint {}

// AbsFilename() returns the absolute filename recorded with the position's base.
func (p Pos) AbsFilename() string {}

// FileIndex returns the file index of the position's base's absolute
// filename within the PosTable that it was registered.
func (p Pos) FileIndex() int {}

func (p Pos) String() string {}

// Format formats a position as "filename:line" or "filename:line:column",
// controlled by the showCol flag and if the column is known (!= 0).
// For positions relative to line directives, the original position is
// shown as well, as in "filename:line[origfile:origline:origcolumn]" if
// showOrig is set.
func (p Pos) Format(showCol, showOrig bool) string {}

// WriteTo a position to w, formatted as Format does.
func (p Pos) WriteTo(w io.Writer, showCol, showOrig bool) {}

// format formats a (filename, line, col) tuple as "filename:line" (showCol
// is false or col == 0) or "filename:line:column" (showCol is true and col != 0).
func format(w io.Writer, filename string, line, col uint, showCol bool) {}

// formatstr wraps format to return a string.
func formatstr(filename string, line, col uint, showCol bool) string {}

type PosBase

// NewFileBase returns a new *PosBase for a file with the given (relative and
// absolute) filenames.
func NewFileBase(filename, absFilename string) *PosBase {}

// NewLinePragmaBase returns a new *PosBase for a line directive of the form
//	//line filename:line:col
//	/*line filename:line:col*/
// at position pos.
func NewLinePragmaBase(pos Pos, filename, absFilename string, line, col uint) *PosBase {}

// NewInliningBase returns a copy of the orig PosBase with the given inlining
// index. If orig == nil, NewInliningBase panics.
func NewInliningBase(orig *PosBase, inlTreeIndex int) *PosBase {}

var noPos

// Pos returns the position at which base is located.
// If b == nil, the result is the zero position.
func (b *PosBase) Pos() *Pos {}

// Filename returns the filename recorded with the base.
// If b == nil, the result is the empty string.
func (b *PosBase) Filename() string {}

// AbsFilename returns the absolute filename recorded with the base.
// If b == nil, the result is the empty string.
func (b *PosBase) AbsFilename() string {}

const FileSymPrefix

// FileIndex returns the index of the base's absolute filename within
// its PosTable's FileTable. It panics if it hasn't been registered
// with a PosTable. If b == nil, the result is -1.
func (b *PosBase) FileIndex() int {}

// Line returns the line number recorded with the base.
// If b == nil, the result is 0.
func (b *PosBase) Line() uint {}

// Col returns the column number recorded with the base.
// If b == nil, the result is 0.
func (b *PosBase) Col() uint {}

// InliningIndex returns the index into the global inlining
// tree recorded with the base. If b == nil or the base has
// not been inlined, the result is < 0.
func (b *PosBase) InliningIndex() int {}

type lico

const (

const bogusLine

const (

const (

const (

const isStmtShift

const isStmtMask

const xlogueShift

const xlogueMask

const colShift

const lineShift

const PosDefaultStmt

const PosIsStmt

const PosNotStmt

type PosXlogue

const PosDefaultLogue

const PosPrologueEnd

const PosEpilogueBegin

func makeLicoRaw(line, col uint) lico {}

// This is a not-position that will not be elided.
// Depending on the debugger (gdb or delve) it may or may not be displayed.
func makeBogusLico() lico {}

func makeLico(line, col uint) lico {}

func (x lico) Line() uint           {}

func (x lico) SameLine(y lico) bool {}

func (x lico) Col() uint            {}

func (x lico) IsStmt() uint {}

func (x lico) Xlogue() PosXlogue {}

// withNotStmt returns a lico for the same location, but not a statement
func (x lico) withNotStmt() lico {}

// withDefaultStmt returns a lico for the same location, with default isStmt
func (x lico) withDefaultStmt() lico {}

// withIsStmt returns a lico for the same location, tagged as definitely a statement
func (x lico) withIsStmt() lico {}

// withXlogue attaches a prologue/epilogue attribute to a lico
func (x lico) withXlogue(xlogue PosXlogue) lico {}

// withStmt returns a lico for the same location with specified is_stmt attribute
func (x lico) withStmt(stmt uint) lico {}

func (x lico) lineNumber() string {}

func (x lico) lineNumberHTML() string {}

func (x lico) atColumn1() lico {}