
var (

// MaybeParent does a once a day check to see if the weekly reports are
// ready to be processed or uploaded, and if so, starts the telemetry child to
// do so. It should only be called by cmd/go, and only after OpenCounters and MaybeChild
// have already been called.
func MaybeParent() {}

// MaybeChild executes the telemetry child logic if the calling program is
// the telemetry child process, and does nothing otherwise. It is meant to be
// called as the first thing in a program that uses telemetry.OpenCounters but cannot
// call telemetry.OpenCounters immediately when it starts.
func MaybeChild() {}

// Mode returns the current telemetry mode.
// The telemetry mode is a global value that controls both the local collection
// and uploading of telemetry data. Possible mode values are:
//   - "on":    both collection and uploading is enabled
//   - "local": collection is enabled, but uploading is disabled
//   - "off":   both collection and uploading are disabled
// When mode is "on", or "local", telemetry data is written to the local file
// system and may be inspected with the [gotelemetry] command.
// If an error occurs while reading the telemetry mode from the file system,
// Mode returns the default value "local".
// [gotelemetry]: https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/telemetry/cmd/gotelemetry
func Mode() string {}

// SetMode sets the global telemetry mode to the given value.
// See the documentation of [Mode] for a description of the supported mode
// values.
// An error is returned if the provided mode value is invalid, or if an error
// occurs while persisting the mode value to the file system.
func SetMode(mode string) error {}

// Dir returns the telemetry directory.
func Dir() string {}