
var allCodegen

var runSkips

var linkshared

var updateErrors

var runoutputLimit

var force

var target

var shard

var shards

// defaultAllCodeGen returns the default value of the -all_codegen
// flag. By default, we prefer to be fast (returning false), except on
// the linux-amd64 builder that's already very fast, so we get more
// test coverage on trybots. See https://go.dev/issue/34297.
func defaultAllCodeGen() bool {}

var goTool

var goos

var goarch

var cgoEnabled

var goExperiment

var goDebug

var tmpDir

var dirs

// Test is the main entrypoint that runs tests in the GOROOT/test directory.
// Each .go file test case in GOROOT/test is registered as a subtest with
// a full name like "Test/fixedbugs/bug000.go" ('/'-separated relative path).
func Test(t *testing.T) {}

func shardMatch(name string) bool {}

func goFiles(t *testing.T, dir string) []string {}

type runCmd

func compileFile(runcmd runCmd, longname string, flags []string) (out []byte, err error) {}

func compileInDir(runcmd runCmd, dir string, flags []string, importcfg string, pkgname string, names ...string) (out []byte, err error) {}

var stdlibImportcfg

var stdlibImportcfgFile

func linkFile(runcmd runCmd, goname string, importcfg string, ldflags []string) (err error) {}

type testCommon

type test

// expectFail reports whether the (overall) test recipe is
// expected to fail under the current build+test configuration.
func (t test) expectFail() bool {}

func (t test) goFileName() string {}

func (t test) goDirName() string {}

// goDirFiles returns .go files in dir.
func goDirFiles(dir string) (filter []fs.DirEntry, _ error) {}

var packageRE

func getPackageNameFromSource(fn string) (string, error) {}

type goDirPkg

// goDirPackages returns distinct Go packages in dir.
// If singlefilepkgs is set, each file is considered a separate package
// even if the package names are the same.
func goDirPackages(t *testing.T, dir string, singlefilepkgs bool) []*goDirPkg {}

type context

// shouldTest looks for build tags in a source file and returns
// whether the file should be used according to the tags.
func shouldTest(src string, goos, goarch string) (ok bool, whyNot string) {}

func (ctxt *context) match(name string) bool {}

// goGcflags returns the -gcflags argument to use with go build / go run.
// This must match the flags used for building the standard library,
// or else the commands will rebuild any needed packages (like runtime)
// over and over.
func (test) goGcflags() string {}

func (test) goGcflagsIsEmpty() bool {}

var errTimeout

// run runs the test case.
// When there is a problem, run uses t.Fatal to signify that it's an unskippable
// infrastructure error (such as failing to read an input file or the test recipe
// being malformed), or it returns a non-nil error to signify a test case error.
// t.Error isn't used here to give the caller the opportunity to decide whether
// the test case failing is expected before promoting it to a real test failure.
// See expectFail and -f flag.
func (t test) run() error {}

var findExecCmd

// checkExpectedOutput compares the output from compiling and/or running with the contents
// of the corresponding reference output file, if any (replace ".go" with ".out").
// If they don't match, fail with an informative message.
func (t test) checkExpectedOutput(gotBytes []byte) error {}

func splitOutput(out string, wantAuto bool) []string {}

// errorCheck matches errors in outStr against comments in source files.
// For each line of the source files which should generate an error,
// there should be a comment of the form // ERROR "regexp".
// If outStr has an error for a line which has no such comment,
// this function will report an error.
// Likewise if outStr does not have an error for a line which has a comment,
// or if the error message does not match the <regexp>.
// The <regexp> syntax is Perl but it's best to stick to egrep.
// Sources files are supplied as fullshort slice.
// It consists of pairs: full path to source file and its base name.
func (t test) errorCheck(outStr string, wantAuto bool, fullshort ...string) (err error) {}

func (test) updateErrors(out, file string) {}

// matchPrefix reports whether s is of the form ^(.*/)?prefix(:|[),
// That is, it needs the file name prefix followed by a : or a [,
// and possibly preceded by a directory name.
func matchPrefix(s, prefix string) bool {}

func partitionStrings(prefix string, strs []string) (matched, unmatched []string) {}

type wantedError

var errRx

var errAutoRx

var errQuotesRx

var lineRx

func (t test) wantedErrors(file, short string) (errs []wantedError) {}

const reMatchCheck

var rxAsmComment

var rxAsmPlatform

var rxAsmCheck

var archVariants

type wantedAsmOpcode

type buildEnv

// Environ returns the environment it represents in cmd.Environ() "key=val" format
// For instance, "linux/386/sse2".Environ() returns {"GOOS=linux", "GOARCH=386", "GO386=sse2"}
func (b buildEnv) Environ() []string {}

type asmChecks

// Envs returns all the buildEnv in which at least one check is present
func (a asmChecks) Envs() []buildEnv {}

func (t test) wantedAsmOpcodes(fn string) asmChecks {}

func (t test) asmCheck(outStr string, fn string, env buildEnv, fullops map[string][]wantedAsmOpcode) error {}

// defaultRunOutputLimit returns the number of runoutput tests that
// can be executed in parallel.
func defaultRunOutputLimit() int {}

func TestShouldTest(t *testing.T) {}

// overlayDir makes a minimal-overhead copy of srcRoot in which new files may be added.
func overlayDir(dstRoot, srcRoot string) error {}

var types2Failures

var types2Failures32Bit

var _

func setOf(keys ...string) map[string]bool {}

// splitQuoted splits the string s around each instance of one or more consecutive
// white space characters while taking into account quotes and escaping, and
// returns an array of substrings of s or an empty list if s contains only white space.
// Single quotes and double quotes are recognized to prevent splitting within the
// quoted region, and are removed from the resulting substrings. If a quote in s
// isn't closed err will be set and r will have the unclosed argument as the
// last element. The backslash is used for escaping.
// For example, the following string:
//	a b:"c d" 'e''f'  "g\""
// Would be parsed as:
//	[]string{"a", "b:c d", "ef", `g"`}
// [copied from src/go/build/build.go]
func splitQuoted(s string) (r []string, err error) {}

// replacePrefix is like strings.ReplaceAll, but only replaces instances of old
// that are preceded by ' ', '\t', or appear at the beginning of a line.
// This does the same kind of filename string replacement as cmd/go.
// Pilfered from src/cmd/go/internal/work/shell.go .
func replacePrefix(s, old, new string) string {}