
type Flags

const GC

const NoGC

type Metrics

type mark

// New creates a new Metrics object.
// Typical usage should look like:
//	func main() {
//	  filename := "" // Set to enable per-phase pprof file output.
//	  bench := benchmark.New(benchmark.GC, filename)
//	  defer bench.Report(os.Stdout)
//	  // etc
//	  bench.Start("foo")
//	  foo()
//	  bench.Start("bar")
//	  bar()
//	}
// Note that a nil Metrics object won't cause any errors, so one could write
// code like:
//	func main() {
//	  enableBenchmarking := flag.Bool("enable", true, "enables benchmarking")
//	  flag.Parse()
//	  var bench *benchmark.Metrics
//	  if *enableBenchmarking {
//	    bench = benchmark.New(benchmark.GC)
//	  }
//	  bench.Start("foo")
//	  // etc.
//	}
func New(gc Flags, filebase string) *Metrics {}

// Report reports the metrics.
// Closes the currently Start(ed) range, and writes the report to the given io.Writer.
func (m *Metrics) Report(w io.Writer) {}

// Start marks the beginning of a new measurement phase.
// Once a metric is started, it continues until either a Report is issued, or another Start is called.
func (m *Metrics) Start(name string) {}

func (m *Metrics) closeMark() {}

// shouldPProf returns true if we should be doing pprof runs.
func (m *Metrics) shouldPProf() bool {}

// makeBenchString makes a benchmark string consumable by Go's benchmarking tools.
func makeBenchString(name string) string {}

func makePProfFilename(filebase, name, typ string) string {}